HomePlanter5 vegetables that can be planted in August: you will have time...

5 vegetables that can be planted in August: you will have time to get a harvest before the end of the summer season

The final month of summer is the period when the approach of autumn begins to be felt..

The air temperature becomes slightly lower and the days become shorter..

Many summer residents are sure that in such conditions one cannot even dream of planting vegetables.

In fact, there are certain types of vegetable crops that are quite suitable for August planting.

Therefore, do not leave vacated beds empty.

But keep in mind that in the last third of summer you can only plant plants with a short growing season and rapid maturation.

Otherwise, you simply will not have time to harvest a high-quality harvest before the onset of frost.

So what vegetables can you plant in August? This question was answered by our magazine»s expert, agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh.


This crop can be sown in the first third of August.

It is advisable to choose one of the following varieties: «Pervenets», «Early Red», «Greenhouse».


By planting early-ripening varieties of beets at the end of summer, the summer resident will most likely have time to collect a lot of root crops.

The latter will be distinguished by juiciness and sweetness.

But it will not be without its drawbacks: the root vegetables will probably be small and will not be stored for long.


Early ripening varieties of this popular crop are quite suitable for August planting.

The most interesting thing is that the plant will most likely not be very vulnerable to pests and diseases.


Again, we are talking about planting early varieties. Other varieties simply will not have time to yield a harvest before the frost sets in.


If you plant this crop in early August, you can get a good harvest that is distinguished by its shelf life.

It is advisable to choose one of these varieties: ‘Delicates’, ‘Sudarushka’, ‘Ladushka’.

The most interesting thing is that the plant will most likely not be very vulnerable to pests and diseases.


Again, we are talking about planting early varieties. Other varieties simply will not have time to yield a harvest before the frost sets in.


If you plant this crop in early August, you can get a good harvest that is distinguished by its shelf life.

It is advisable to choose one of these varieties: ‘Delicates’, ‘Sudarushka’, ‘Ladushka’.

The most interesting thing is that the plant will most likely not be very vulnerable to pests and diseases.


Again, we are talking about planting early varieties. Other varieties simply will not have time to yield a harvest before the frost sets in.


If you plant this crop in early August, you can get a good harvest that is distinguished by its shelf life.

It is advisable to choose one of these varieties: ‘Delicates’, ‘Sudarushka’, ‘Ladushka’.

The most interesting thing is that the plant will most likely not be very vulnerable to pests and diseases.


Again, we are talking about planting early varieties. Other varieties simply will not have time to yield a harvest before the frost sets in.


If you plant this crop in early August, you can get a good harvest that is distinguished by its shelf life.

It is advisable to choose one of these varieties: ‘Delicates’, ‘Sudarushka’, ‘Ladushka’.

The most interesting thing is that the plant will most likely not be very vulnerable to pests and diseases.


Again, we are talking about planting early varieties. Other varieties simply will not have time to yield a harvest before the frost sets in.


If you plant this crop in early August, you can get a good harvest that is distinguished by its shelf life.

It is advisable to choose one of these varieties: ‘Delicates’, ‘Sudarushka’, ‘Ladushka’.

The most interesting thing is that the plant will most likely not be very vulnerable to pests and diseases.


Again, we are talking about planting early varieties. Other varieties simply will not have time to yield a harvest before the frost sets in.


If you plant this crop in early August, you can get a good harvest that is distinguished by its shelf life.

It is advisable to choose one of these varieties: ‘Delicates’, ‘Sudarushka’, ‘Ladushka’.

The most interesting thing is that the plant will most likely not be very vulnerable to pests and diseases.


Again, we are talking about planting early varieties. Other varieties simply will not have time to yield a harvest before the frost sets in.


If you plant this crop in early August, you can get a good harvest that is distinguished by its shelf life.

It is advisable to choose one of these varieties: ‘Delikates’, ‘Sudarushka’, ‘Ladushka’.

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