HomePlanterWhy soup spoils quickly: the main mistakes of housewives are named

Why soup spoils quickly: the main mistakes of housewives are named

Many may encounter the fact that first courses spoil quite quickly..

The problem is especially relevant in the warm season..

Due to high temperatures, the shelf life of dishes is noticeably reduced, and the mistakes made make the likelihood of the soup spoiling very high.

Therefore, our magazine’s expert on culinary issues, chef Yulia Arkhipova, revealed the main shortcomings of housewives.

What they consist of


Everyone knows that greens are a universal component for any soup, as they only make it tastier and healthier.

However, not everyone likes to cook them: the taste and aroma become less bright. Therefore, many people put greens in the pan without heat treatment.

In this case, the soup will quickly spoil. Therefore, it is worth adding greens to a plate, not to a pan.

Garlic or lemon juice

These products have an antibacterial effect, but in the case of first courses the situation is different. If you add them to the soup at the very end, this can lead to unpleasant results: the dish will spoil.

Therefore, it is also worth introducing them directly into the plate.

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