HomePlanterWhat to plant in the beds after harvesting onions and garlic: available...

What to plant in the beds after harvesting onions and garlic: available options

After harvesting onions and garlic, there is some free space left in the beds. If gardeners are still enthusiastic, then you can use the space to your advantage.

If enthusiasm is already at zero, then it is still not recommended to leave the beds free, so that weeds do not grow.

Summer residents were reminded what crops can be sown in former onion and garlic beds.

Second harvest

1. First, try sowing small greens, which remain in demand at any time of the year, especially during the winter harvesting period.

A good time to grow lettuce, dill, parsley, arugula.

2. If you want something more substantial, you can sow radishes. After garlic, radishes grow large and juicy.

3. You can use the space for transplanting seedlings or strawberry shoots. It is considered simply an ideal option in terms of crop rotation.

4. Another good option is radish, which produces a good harvest in August thanks to warm soil and short daylight hours.

5. You can plant early-ripening peas, which ripen in no more than 45 days.

The simplest option

If you have neither the strength nor the desire to bother with planting and harvesting, then it is impossible to think of a better option than to sow the free space with green manure.

Mustard or oats are an excellent option for this case.

After harvesting onions and garlic, there is some free space left in the beds. If gardeners are still enthusiastic, then you can use the space to your advantage.

If enthusiasm is already at zero, then it is still not recommended to leave the beds free, so that weeds do not grow.

Summer residents were reminded what crops can be sown in former onion and garlic beds.

Second harvest

1. First, try sowing small greens, which remain in demand at any time of the year, especially during the winter harvesting period.

A good time to grow lettuce, dill, parsley, arugula.

2. If you want something more substantial, you can sow radishes. After garlic, radishes grow large and juicy.

3. You can use the space for transplanting seedlings or strawberry shoots. It is considered simply an ideal option in terms of crop rotation.

4. Another good option is radish, which produces a good harvest in August thanks to warm soil and short daylight hours.

5. You can plant early-ripening peas, which ripen in no more than 45 days.

The simplest option

If you have neither the strength nor the desire to bother with planting and harvesting, then it is impossible to think of a better option than to sow the free space with green manure.

Mustard or oats are an excellent option for this case.

After harvesting onions and garlic, there is some free space left in the beds. If gardeners are still enthusiastic, then you can use the space to your advantage.

If enthusiasm is already at zero, then it is still not recommended to leave the beds free, so that weeds do not grow.

Summer residents were reminded what crops can be sown in former onion and garlic beds.

Second harvest

1. First, try sowing small greens, which remain in demand at any time of the year, especially during the winter harvesting period.

A good time to grow lettuce, dill, parsley, arugula.

2. If you want something more substantial, you can sow radishes. After garlic, radishes grow large and juicy.

3. You can use the space for transplanting seedlings or strawberry shoots. It is considered simply an ideal option in terms of crop rotation.

4. Another good option is radish, which produces a good harvest in August thanks to warm soil and short daylight hours.

5. You can plant early-ripening peas, which ripen in no more than 45 days.

The simplest option

If you have neither the strength nor the desire to bother with planting and harvesting, then it is impossible to think of a better option than to sow the free space with green manure.

Mustard or oats are an excellent option for this case.

After harvesting onions and garlic, there is some free space left in the beds. If gardeners are still enthusiastic, then you can use the space to your advantage.

If enthusiasm is already at zero, then it is still not recommended to leave the beds free, so that weeds do not grow.

Summer residents were reminded what crops can be sown in former onion and garlic beds.

Second harvest

1. First, try sowing small greens, which remain in demand at any time of the year, especially during the winter harvesting period.

A good time to grow lettuce, dill, parsley, arugula.

2. If you want something more substantial, you can sow radishes. After garlic, radishes grow large and juicy.

3. You can use the space for transplanting seedlings or strawberry shoots. It is considered simply an ideal option in terms of crop rotation.

4.Another good option is radish, which produces a good harvest in August thanks to warm soil and short daylight hours.

5. You can plant early-ripening peas, which ripen in no more than 45 days.

The easiest option

If you have neither the strength nor the desire to bother with planting and harvesting, then it is impossible to think of a better option than sowing the free space with green manure.

Mustard or oats are an excellent option for this case.

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