HomePlanterI make fertilizer for the spathiphyllum from the green peel that you...

I make fertilizer for the spathiphyllum from the green peel that you usually throw away. It produces flowers and leaves continuously

The spathiphyllum is also called the winged plant. It is an evergreen plant that comes from tropical forests. There is high humidity and considerable shade there. This is important information for those who own this plant in their home.

How to care for the spathiphyllum?

This beautiful plant is not too demanding, but in order for it to constantly produce new, plump leaves and beautiful white flowers, you need to take care of a few things.

  • The location that the spathiphyllum likes is semi-shady and shady , it does not do well on sunny windowsills.
  • It doesn’t like temperature changes , so it’s better not to put it near a window or in a draft.
  • The ideal temperature for good growth is 20-23 degrees.
  • Watering should be solid, but you should avoid flooding the roots , which could cause them to rot.
  • Water the Spathiphyllum with settled, decalcified water at room temperature.
  • If the tips of the leaves start to turn brown, it’s a sign that the air is too dry. Spraying it with water will work perfectly, especially during the hot months.
  • Spathiphyllum should not be pruned. You can only cut off faded flowers or dry leaves.
  • Spathiphyllum propagation is done by division. We take the plant out of the pot and separate the root shoots. New plants will very quickly start to grow lush shoots.
  • Spathiphyllum purifies the air

    It is worth placing the Spathiphyllum in the bedroom. It has an unusual feature. It purifies the air of toxic compounds. It absorbs benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, toluene, xylene and ammonia. It can also neutralize mold spores and humidifies the air, which is especially valuable during the heating season.This flower also absorbs radiation emitted by electronic and electrical devices, so it is worth placing it in a room with a TV and computer.

    Warning – Spathiphyllum is poisonous

    However, it must be remembered that Spathiphyllum is a poisonous plant. It contains insoluble calcium oxalates. Eating even a small piece can cause severe symptoms of poisoning. For this reason, it is worth being careful when there are small children and animals in the house.

    Homemade Spathiphyllum fertilizer

    If you want your Spathiphyllum to constantly sprout new, lush leaves and flowers, it is worth feeding it with homemade fertilizer from leftovers that you most often throw into the trash. These are avocado peels. They are a real treasure trove of nutrients that will feed your plants.

    Like a banana peel, avocado peel is an excellent fertilizer for both potted and garden plants. Preparing the fertilizer is easy for anyone. Prepare:

  • avocado peel.
  • 1/2 cup water.
  • Place the avocado peel in a blender and add water. Blend to create a smooth mass. Dilute the resulting paste with water in a ratio of 1:4 and water your spathiphyllums with this fertilizer once every 2 weeks. If you use this homemade spathiphyllum fertilizer regularly, we guarantee that they will reward you with new leaves and flowers faster than you expect.

    Not only the avocado peel is valuable. It is also worth using the avocado seed, which can be used to prepare fertilizer, but in powdered form it can be added to dishes. It is a real treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. It contains almost 70% more antioxidants than the fruit pulp, a high content of fiber, vitamins A and E. It also contains lutein, which is valuable for eyesight, and folic acid.

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    See also: When the spathiphyllum is withering, quickly sprinkle it with kitchen fertilizer. It will grow back quickly

    What else does the spathiphyllum like?

    If you don’t have avocado peels on hand, you can look for a few other ‘fertilizers’ in the kitchen. For example, cooled rice cooking water is perfect for watering the spathiphyllum. Remember, however, that it cannot be salted, because otherwise, instead of helping the plant, it will only harm it.

    It is also worth pouring a bay leaf infusion into the pot with the spathiphyllum. This cheap liquid will provide them with a large dose of phosphorus and potassium, which strengthen the root system and thicken the leaves of the plant.

    You can prepare the easiest home-made nutrient from carrots. A vegetable rich in potassium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamin E will perfectly replenish deficiencies in the soil. Just throw the chopped carrots into a blender, add a liter of water and blend the mixture thoroughly. Water once every 2 weeks.

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