HomePlanterWhat should not be planted next to zucchini: the wrong neighbors can...

What should not be planted next to zucchini: the wrong neighbors can make the vegetables bitter

If you do not want the zucchini harvest from your plot to have a bitter taste, you should approach the choice of neighbors for this crop with all responsibility..

Do not plant decorative pumpkins, as well as lagenaria, momordica, crookneck, luffa and other unusual representatives of the Pumpkin family next to zucchini..

There are other reasons for the appearance of bitterness in fruits, so gardeners should purchase only proven seeds of varieties and hybrids for planting.

These include, for example, King Arthur F1, Stakhanovets and Grunthaler.

Also, summer residents need to properly care for zucchini: do not rush to sow them or plant seedlings in open ground until a favorable temperature is established, prepare the soil, monitor the humidity and prevent apical rot, as well as carry out other necessary measures.

What to do with bitter zucchini

Cucurbitacin, which makes zucchini bitter, is not a poison, but it can spoil the taste of a dish.

It is not destroyed during frying, stewing or boiling, so bitter zucchini should not be used for these purposes.

But young bitter zucchini are suitable for pickling or marinating – at least, this is what experienced housewives say, who have had to deal with such fruits more than once.

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