HomePlanterHow to care for roses in September: experienced gardeners shared their secrets

How to care for roses in September: experienced gardeners shared their secrets

In order for roses to delight us with their beauty next year, now we need to provide the flowers with proper autumn care..

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the main activities..

What they consist of


It is important to remember that in the autumn period of time you should not forget about pests: the fight against them is always ongoing. You can carry out treatment with any preparation.


In September, the watering technique changes somewhat. There is no need to add moisture frequently, but it is important to increase the volume of water. Also, make sure that moisture does not get on the plants themselves.

Otherwise, the risk of developing diseases increases.


In order to ensure high-quality care, some leaves need to be removed. We are talking about the lower leaves. But the shoots should be pinched.


It is important to remember that you can choose both specialized compositions and other fertilizers. Potassium magnesium sulfate (30 grams per bush), superphosphate (up to 50 grams per plant) and potassium sulfate (15 grams per bush) are often chosen.

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