HomePlanterI chase away bedbugs and ants from the garden with a simple...

I chase away bedbugs and ants from the garden with a simple mixture. I combine 2 products from the kitchen and sprinkle them on the beds

One day you get up in the morning, go to the garden to check what has grown in it, you want to weed the beds a bit and water them before the real heat begins. However, even from a distance you can see that something is wrong. The plants look different somehow. You come closer, and a real Armageddon appears before your eyes. You tear your hair out, replay all the moments you spent on their care. You thought it was nothing, because it was worth sacrificing a little to have your own, delicious, healthy and aromatic vegetables. And now? It turns out that you have been visited by bedbugs, who have no good intentions. The situation looks dramatic, but it’s not time to raze everything to the ground yet.

An effective way to deal with ants and slugs

We have a simple and natural way for you to effectively get rid of these pests. Here comes baking powder. We usually use it for cakes, muffins and fritters, in other words, for sweet desserts. It turns out that it has universal properties and also plays a fundamental role in the garden and vegetable beds, slugs and other pests avoid them like the plague. The application is very simple and does not require any special preparation. Just sprinkle it around the plants and that should be enough. But if you have come across particularly resistant slugs – mix baking powder with sugar and you will no longer have plants that are eaten away and look like a sieve. In this version, it will only work on snails, in the case of ants we can get the opposite effect, because they love sweet tastes.
However, this method also has one disadvantage.Baking powder (which also contains soda) has properties that lower the pH of the soil, which becomes acidic.If you notice that the plants are dying and there are no more intruders, sprinkle everything with coffee grounds. That should fix the situation.

In the case of slags, it is worth planting additionally around the beds:

  • lavender.
  • sage.
  • marjoram.
  • thyme.
  • nasturtium.
  • thyme.
  • onion.
  • garlic.
  • Frequent mowing of the grass and weeding also helps , because slugs like to hide in such shady, damp places.

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    See also: Snails hate these leaves. I plant them in the garden and I have peace from pests

    So what about ants?

    If baking powder doesn’t work, it’s worth trying other methods. Ants like to come to ready-made things, they feed on our crops, enter the house and look for scattered sugar particles and other leftovers. They can even get into a jar of honey, jam or preserves if it wasn’t tightly closed. There are several methods, individual products can be used individually, to be sure, you can mix them all, and sprinkle the plants with this combo. We suggest, what ants don’t particularly like:.

  • mint , both fresh and dried – you can use it to make a barrier around the beds, and no intruder will break through such a barrier.
  • marjoram – proceed in the same way as with mint.
  • lavender – it will not only scare them away, but it will also make the garden and vegetable garden look really impressive, and it will also spread an amazing aroma around.
  • ground black pepper – it is best to use freshly ground, it will have a more intense smell.
  • baking soda.
  • These ingredients mask the smell of the plants we want to protect, as if they did not exist at all for the ants. That is why they start looking for another feeding ground. And if we do not avoid dirty work, we also mix liquid manure with nettles or garlic – this substance is used for spraying, but it is better to put on disposable gloves and hold your nose.

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    See also: Take this spice to your garden. It will not only repel ants and combat fungi. It is a real treasure for plants

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