HomePlanterCan you add tops and vegetables to compost: not all summer residents...

Can you add tops and vegetables to compost: not all summer residents know the correct answer

Creating a compost pit helps summer residents to have high-quality fertilizer..

There are no special expenses: often we only send waste to the pit..

Therefore, a reasonable question may arise: can you send vegetables and tops to compost.

What is the correct answer

As it turns out, you can safely use these components if you follow one important condition: the components must be visually healthy.

If you put any plant residues affected by diseases into the pit, the fertilizer will become a source of diseases.

Therefore, before putting the tops and some vegetables (tomatoes, for example), carefully assess their condition.

Apples can also be added to the compost. The requirement is the same: they must be healthy.

You can also add weeds and even leaves. Weeds should be selected without seeds, and leaves – without signs of diseases. Therefore, you should always evaluate the health of the components used, if you do not want to treat all your garden and horticultural crops later.

In such cases, the compost will be composed correctly.

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