HomeUncategorizedWhy do experienced chefs add vegetables to cutlets? You will be surprised

Why do experienced chefs add vegetables to cutlets? You will be surprised

Not all housewives add various unusual components to cutlets: many are accustomed to limiting themselves to the classic set of products..

This is not to say that this approach is wrong..

However, some components are still capable of taking cutlets literally to a new level, says our magazine»s cooking expert, cook Yulia Arkhipova.

A striking example would be the introduction of vegetables into minced meat.

What is the purpose of adding these products?

In most cases, vegetables in minced cutlets have one simple function: they add an unprecedented level of juiciness to the dish.For this purpose, you can add potatoes, tomatoes (pre-peeled), zucchini, and pumpkin.

Some vegetables help replace bread.An example of this is cabbage, which is also included in the minced meat.

Carrots add an interesting flavor, which also «softens» the taste of the meat.

Adding vegetables allows you to make the cutlets not only more juicy, but also easier to digest.

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