HomePlanterWhy do summer residents scatter cereals on their beds in the fall:...

Why do summer residents scatter cereals on their beds in the fall: an effective folk fertilizer

Modern summer residents do not know what a shortage of goods is. The stores offer the widest selection of domestic and imported fertilizers. In addition, classic organic fertilizers are still available to most people..

But despite this, many gardeners are trying to find alternative means..

Popular rumor suggests using ordinary cereals instead of organic and mineral additives in the fall.

Life hacks with cereals

If you are planning to close the summer cottage season soon and do not know what to do with the remains of grocery store products, then use them as fertilizer.

Experts from the people believe that corn or barley groats do not differ much in their properties from traditional fertilizers.

Due to the organic substances and microelements included in their composition, they are supposedly able to turn the soil in the beds almost into black soil.

Note that scientific confirmation of this information could not be found.

How to proceed

1. Before adding cereals, you need to weed the beds and get rid of other vegetation.

2. The soil needs to be loosened, and then the cereals need to be scattered and raked in to a depth of 5-10 cm.

3. Then abundant watering is carried out for several days and weeding is mandatory.

Experts remind that folk remedies often do not allow you to calculate the required amount of fertilizers and therefore make up for the lack of nutrients in the soil.

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