HomePlanterHow to feed cabbage in September: not all summer residents know

How to feed cabbage in September: not all summer residents know

Experienced summer residents know how important a role feeding will play in September..

Most often, this affects several factors at once..

First of all, correctly selected fertilizers will help speed up the process of setting heads of cabbage and protect them from cracking. Also, cabbage grows large, juicy and tasty.

Which September feedings for cabbage are worth highlighting

Potassium nitrate

This is an excellent fertilizer that satisfies all the needs of cabbage. The vegetable will grow perfectly. You will need to take one large spoon per bucket of water.

Then water.

A comprehensive supplement ‘for everything’

Thanks to this product, cabbage grows large, sweet, juicy and is stored perfectly. Therefore, it is definitely worth doing this kind of feeding.

You will need to take one spoon (tablespoon) of potassium monophosphate and ammonia per bucket of water. It is also worth adding half a glass of vinegar to the composition.

Also, do not forget that in September you still need to protect cabbage plantings from pests: only frosts will stop slugs.

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