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What 3 mistakes in the fall can deprive you of your harvest next year: not all summer residents know

Any summer resident has a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden in the fall..

However, it is worth understanding that some actions can do more harm than good..

But certain shortcomings can completely deprive you of your harvest next year.

What mistakes should you know about?

Random selection of green manure

Not all green manure is universal: on the contrary, this is quite rare. Therefore, you need to find out up-to-date information about each green manure.

Some plants improve the structure of the soil, others become additional sources of nutrients, and some are used to combat disease sources and pests.

Ignoring digging

This topic is controversial and contradictory for many. Some are sure that it is not worth digging up the garden every year.

But this is a mistake.

The digging procedure can significantly improve the quality of the soil.

Deoxidation without precise data

You cannot carry out the soil deoxidation procedure ‘by eye’: it is extremely difficult to determine the presence and extent of the problem. Therefore, you should first learn about the acidity indicators.

Based on this information, you can choose the correct way to solve the problem.

Any summer resident has a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden in the fall..

However, it is worth understanding that some actions can do more harm than good..

But certain shortcomings can completely deprive you of your harvest next year.

What mistakes should you know about?

Random selection of green manure

Not all green manure is universal: on the contrary, this is quite rare. Therefore, you need to find out up-to-date information about each green manure.

Some plants improve the structure of the soil, others become additional sources of nutrients, and some are used to combat disease sources and pests.

Ignoring digging

This topic is controversial and contradictory for many. Some are sure that it is not worth digging up the garden every year.

But this is a mistake.

The digging procedure can significantly improve the quality of the soil.

Deoxidation without precise data

You cannot carry out the soil deoxidation procedure ‘by eye’: it is extremely difficult to determine the presence and extent of the problem. Therefore, you should first learn about the acidity indicators.

Based on this information, you can choose the correct way to solve the problem.

Any summer resident has a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden in the fall..

However, it is worth understanding that some actions can do more harm than good..

But certain shortcomings can completely deprive you of your harvest next year.

What mistakes should you know about?

Random selection of green manure

Not all green manure is universal: on the contrary, this is quite rare. Therefore, you need to find out up-to-date information about each green manure.

Some plants improve the structure of the soil, others become additional sources of nutrients, and some are used to combat disease sources and pests.

Ignoring digging

This topic is controversial and contradictory for many. Some are sure that it is not worth digging up the garden every year.

But this is a mistake.

The digging procedure can significantly improve the quality of the soil.

Deoxidation without precise data

You cannot carry out the soil deoxidation procedure ‘by eye’: it is extremely difficult to determine the presence and extent of the problem. Therefore, you should first learn about the acidity indicators.

Based on this information, you can choose the correct way to solve the problem.

Any summer resident has a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden in the fall..

However, it is worth understanding that some actions can do more harm than good..

But certain shortcomings can completely deprive you of your harvest next year.

What mistakes should you know about?

Random selection of green manure

Not all green manure is universal: on the contrary, this is quite rare. Therefore, you need to find out up-to-date information about each green manure.

Some plants improve the structure of the soil, others become additional sources of nutrients, and some are used to combat disease sources and pests.

Ignoring digging

This topic is controversial and contradictory for many. Some are sure that it is not worth digging the garden every year.

Any summer resident has a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden in the fall..

However, it is worth understanding that some actions can do more harm than good..

But certain shortcomings can completely deprive you of your harvest next year.

What mistakes should you know about?

Random selection of green manure

Not all green manure is universal: on the contrary, this is quite rare. Therefore, you need to find out up-to-date information about each green manure.

Some plants improve the structure of the soil, others become additional sources of nutrients,

Any summer resident has a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden in the fall..

However, it is worth understanding that some actions can do more harm than good..

But certain shortcomings can completely deprive you of your harvest next year.

What mistakes should you know about?

Random selection of green manure

Not all green manure is universal: on the contrary, this is quite rare.Therefore, you need to find out up-to-date information about each green manure.

Some plants improve the soil structure, others become additional sources of nutrients, and some are used to combat disease sources and pests.

Ignoring digging

This topic is controversial and contradictory for many. Some are sure that it is not worth digging up the garden every year.

But this is a mistake.

The digging procedure can significantly improve the quality of the soil.

Deoxidation without accurate data

You cannot carry out the soil deoxidation procedure ‘by eye’: it is extremely difficult to determine the presence and extent of the problem. Therefore, you should first learn about the acidity indicators.

Based on this information, you can choose the correct way to solve the problem.

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