HomePlanterIs it true that potato tops can spoil compost: what to give...

Is it true that potato tops can spoil compost: what to give with potato leaves and stems

Not all gardeners dare to compost potato tops – there is an opinion that this method of disposal of plant residues is unsafe..

Of course, like any other organic matter, potato stems placed in compost decompose..

However, do not forget that potatoes, like other representatives of the Solanaceae family, contain toxic solanine.

This substance is produced under the influence of the sun: that is why potatoes need to be hilled several times during their growth, that is, covered with soil. If this is not done, sunlight will fall on the tubers, which will lead to an increase in the solanine level.

This component is found not only in tubers, but also in other parts of the potato – sprouting stems, fruits and leaves.

Hence the opinion that potato tops added to compost can make it unsuitable for use.

In fact, this belief is nothing more than another myth, since during the composting process, alkaloids, which include solanine, become inactive.

But it is really better not to throw diseased plants into the compost pit – if you combine the potato tops affected by late blight with the contents of the composter, you risk spreading the disease throughout the area.

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