HomePlanterHow to understand that it is time to harvest pumpkin: not all...

How to understand that it is time to harvest pumpkin: not all summer residents know

Many people look forward to harvesting pumpkin to enjoy a tasty and healthy product..

Therefore, it is worth knowing what signs indicate the readiness of the crop..

What signs are worth knowing?

Evaluate the color

One of the important factors is the color of the pumpkin. If the crop is ripe, it becomes beautiful, bright and saturated. The color should become characteristic depending on the variety.

In most cases, the pumpkin becomes a beautiful orange hue.


If your pumpkins look shiny, it’s too early to harvest them. If the crop is ready to be harvested, the skin becomes matte.


It’s always easy to tell if a pumpkin is ripe by its sounds. Just knock on it. If you hear a dull sound, you can start harvesting.

You can also simply press on the pumpkin: the skin of a mature crop will remain intact without any dents or damage.


If the pumpkin is ripe, the foliage will look dry and lifeless. You can also feel the stem: it should be quite hard.

Thanks to these signs, you can harvest the pumpkin in a timely manner.

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