HomePlanterWhich carrots will be stored all winter: experienced gardeners revealed the secrets

Which carrots will be stored all winter: experienced gardeners revealed the secrets

Experienced gardeners know that in most cases, the carrot harvest occurs in September..

This means that you need to be responsible when choosing carrots..

Which carrots can be stored all winter?

Variety and soil

Some varieties are only suitable for consumption in the coming weeks after harvesting, so it is worth finding out in advance about the shelf life of a particular variety of carrot.

You should also consider the quality of your soil: the vegetable will only be stored well if the soil has not been infected with various infections.


It is important to remember that carrots will be stored best if there is also soil in the box. The soil should account for about 10%.

Vegetable quality

In order for carrots to be stored all winter, they must be harvested in a timely manner. Visually assess the quality: the vegetable should not have any defects or damage.

Storage conditions

Carrots definitely prefer coolness, so the ideal temperature is 0 degrees. The humidity level should be more than 90%. But in this case, it is extremely important not to allow the temperature to rise.

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