HomeUncategorized5 common mistakes that make fried dumplings taste bad

5 common mistakes that make fried dumplings taste bad

Many gourmets complain: they can»t fry dumplings so that they turn out appetizing..

The dish turns out tasteless, not juicy enough, too soft, overcooked, or raw inside..

What is the reason for this? Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the field of cooking for the online publication Belnovosti, a cook, and a fourth-class baker, admits that the problem may be explained by the low quality of the semi-finished product.

At the same time, the specialist emphasizes: in most cases, the problem is not in the product itself, but in the mistakes made by an inexperienced cook.

So, what mistakes prevent you from getting truly delicious fried dumplings?


Many people defrost dumplings in advance. A bag of semi-finished product taken out of the freezer lies on the countertop for 30 minutes or even an hour.

This is very bad, since long defrosting is fraught with strong softening of the dumplings: they will stick to the pan. In addition, the dish may lose its integrity, juiciness and bright taste.

If you still want to defrost the dumplings, then know: the maximum permissible duration of the process is 15 minutes.

High heat

The desire to fry the dumplings as quickly as possible is understandable. And yet, you should not make the fire maximum.

After all, there is a high risk that the dumplings will burn on the outside. In this case, the filling will remain raw.

Fry the dumplings over medium heat!

Cold pan

Do not pour frozen dumplings into a cold frying pan. This approach may cause the dish to stick to the pan.

The oil should be well heated (but not too hot).

Using a lid

When frying dumplings, do not cover the frying pan with a lid.

If you ignore this recommendation, condensation will form, which will leave the dish without an appetizing crispy crust.

Frequent stirring

A similar consequence can also be caused by constantly turning the dumplings over while frying them.

Want the surface of the dish to be golden? Use the spatula less often!

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