HomeUncategorizedHow to cut onions without crying: experienced cooks have revealed tricks

How to cut onions without crying: experienced cooks have revealed tricks

It is important to be able to cut onions without tears, since this component is used in almost all main dishes..

However, the sulfur included in the composition often causes tears even in the strongest and most resilient people..

Therefore, it is worth using well-known culinary secrets in your practice, shares her experience our magazine’s cooking expert, chef Yulia Arkhipova.

What tricks can help


Many people know that onions lose some of their tear-inducing properties if they sit on the refrigerator shelf for about ten minutes.

After that, you can safely chop them.


And here is where the knife should ‘rest’ before you start cooking. You can leave the accessory for 5-10 minutes. This will be enough to avoid crying while working with onions.

A plate with cold water

If you need to chop more than one onion, you should play it safe. You need to pour cold water into the plate. If possible, add a few ice cubes.

Place the container on the table and periodically process the knife during cooking.

It is important to be able to cut onions without tears, since this component is used in almost all main dishes..

However, the sulfur contained in the composition often causes tears even for the strongest and most resilient people..

Therefore, it is worth using well-known culinary secrets in your practice, cook Yulia Arkhipova, an expert in the field of cooking in our magazine, shares her experience.

What tricks can help?


Many people know that onions lose some of their ability to cause tears if they lie on the refrigerator shelf for ten minutes.

After this, you can safely shred it.


This is where the knife should «rest» before you start cooking.You can leave the accessory for 5-10 minutes.This will be quite enough to avoid crying while working with a bow.

Plate with cold water

If you need to chop more than one onion, it’s worth being on the safe side.You need to pour cold water into the plate.Add a few ice cubes if possible.

Place the container on the table and periodically process the knife during the cooking process.

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