HomeUncategorizedHow to make cloudy broth clear again: this culinary trick should be...

How to make cloudy broth clear again: this culinary trick should be known by all housewives

In order to make a clear broth, theory alone is not enough – you also need to have practical experience..

If you lack the latter, you will have to use the advice of an expert of the online publication ‘BelNovosti’, chef Yulia Arkhipova – she told why the dish can turn out cloudy and how to avoid common mistakes.

Choosing meat

You should start with the main component of any broth – meat. Its choice significantly affects the degree of transparency of the broth. The best option is meat on the bone, which will make the dish rich and give it a deep taste.

If your goal is to get a crystal clear broth, make sure that the piece of meat you choose is free of fat and films.

Temperature and cooking time

At the initial stage, you will need to bring the water to a boil, turning the heat to maximum. When you see that the contents of the pan have boiled, reduce the heat to the minimum value and leave the lid ajar.

Continue cooking at minimum heat – this way the broth will simmer, and its ingredients will evenly give up their flavors, without forming a suspension and turbidity.

Salt and vegetables

Salt can also affect the clarity of the broth, so it is recommended to add it at the end of cooking.

In order to make a clear broth, theory alone is not enough – you also need to have practical experience..

If you lack the latter, you will have to use the advice of an expert of the online publication ‘BelNovosti’, chef Yulia Arkhipova – she told why the dish can turn out cloudy and how to avoid common mistakes.

Choosing meat

You should start with the main component of any broth – meat. Its choice significantly affects the degree of transparency of the broth. The best option is meat on the bone, which will make the dish rich and give it a deep taste.

If your goal is to get a crystal clear broth, make sure that the piece of meat you choose is free of fat and films.

Temperature and cooking time

At the initial stage, you will need to bring the water to a boil, turning the heat to maximum. When you see that the contents of the pan have boiled, reduce the heat to the minimum value and leave the lid ajar.

Continue cooking at minimum heat – this way the broth will simmer, and its ingredients will evenly give up their flavors, without forming a suspension and turbidity.

Salt and vegetables

Salt can also affect the clarity of the broth, so it is recommended to add it at the end of cooking.

In order to make a clear broth, theory alone is not enough – you also need to have practical experience..

If you lack the latter, you will have to use the advice of an expert of the online publication ‘BelNovosti’, chef Yulia Arkhipova – she told why the dish can turn out cloudy and how to avoid common mistakes.

Choosing meat

You should start with the main component of any broth – meat. Its choice significantly affects the degree of transparency of the broth. The best option is meat on the bone, which will make the dish rich and give it a deep taste.

If your goal is to get a crystal clear broth, make sure that the piece of meat you choose is free of fat and films.

Temperature and cooking time

At the initial stage, you will need to bring the water to a boil, turning the heat to maximum. When you see that the contents of the pan have boiled, reduce the heat to the minimum value and leave the lid ajar.

Continue cooking at minimum heat – this way the broth will simmer, and its ingredients will evenly give up their flavors, without forming a suspension and turbidity.

Salt and vegetables

Salt can also affect the clarity of the broth, so it is recommended to add it at the end of cooking.

In order to make a clear broth, theory alone is not enough – you also need to have practical experience..

If you lack the latter, you will have to use the advice of an expert of the online publication ‘BelNovosti’, chef Yulia Arkhipova – she told why the dish can turn out cloudy and how to avoid common mistakes.

Choosing meat

You should start with the main component of any broth – meat. Its choice significantly affects the degree of transparency of the broth. The best option is meat on the bone, which will make the dish rich and give it a deep taste.

If your goal is to get a crystal clear broth, make sure that the piece of meat you choose is free of fat and films.

Temperature and cooking time

At the initial stage, you will need to bring the water to a boil, turning the heat to maximum

In order to make a clear broth, theory alone is not enough – you also need to have practical experience..

If you lack the latter, you will have to use the advice of an expert of the online publication ‘BelNovosti’, chef Yulia Arkhipova – she told why the dish can turn out cloudy and how to avoid common mistakes.

Choosing meat

You should start with the main component of any broth – meat. Its choice significantly affects the degree of transparency of the broth. The best option is meat on the bone, which will make the dish rich and give it a deep taste.

If your goal is to get a crystal clear broth, make sure that the piece of meat you choose is free of fat and films.

Temperature and cooking time

At the initial stage, you will need to bring the water to a boil, turning the heat to maximum. When you see that the contents of the pan have boiled, reduce the heat to the minimum value and leave the lid ajar.

Continue cooking at minimum heat – this way the broth will simmer, and its ingredients will evenly give up their taste qualities, without forming a suspension and turbidity.

Salt and vegetables

Salt can also affect the clarity of the broth, so it is recommended to add it at the end of cooking.

If your broth contains vegetables, put them in the pan after cutting them into large pieces – otherwise they will certainly fall apart and make the broth cloudy. By the way, it is better to add vegetables when the broth is almost ready.


And finally – do not forget to remove the scale in a timely manner using a slotted spoon. This is necessary so that the dish retains its transparency.

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