HomePlanterWhat to do with zucchini right now so that they bear fruit...

What to do with zucchini right now so that they bear fruit better: summer residents revealed the secrets

Now is a great time to increase the yield of zucchini and extend their fruiting period..

Therefore, do not waste time: you need to start properly caring for the crop..

What 3 rules will help increase the yield of zucchini?


First of all, you should remove leaves that cause doubt: for example, they look dry or not quite healthy. You should also remove healthy leaves in small quantities.

In this case, the zucchini will focus on fruiting.


It is easier for villagers to control this process, since they can add moisture in accordance with weather conditions. If you can only come to the dacha on weekends, then you should spend about a bucket of water on one plant.


Of course, at the moment, zucchini need additional nutrients. Therefore, it is worth organizing suitable feeding for them.

It is worth paying attention to the following option. You will need to dilute a large spoon of azofoska in a bucket of warm water.

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