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Add a glass of this to a bucket of water – and you will get a super fertilizer for cucumbers: advice for summer residents

Do you want to increase the yield of cucumbers and ensure that more delicious fruits begin to form on the bushes?.

Then use a fertilizer that is perhaps the most effective for a popular garden crop!.

We are talking about wood ash.

How ash benefits cucumbers

Unburned wood residues contain many important components for the plant.

First of all, we are talking about calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and boron.

True, there is no nitrogen in ash. But sometimes cucumber bushes need this microelement. Therefore, do not forget to apply other fertilizers.

How to prepare a wood ash solution

Of course, you can use unburned wood residues as fertilizer in dry form.

It is enough to simply sprinkle ash on the soil under the plant and water it.

And yet it is better to prepare a solution. Moreover, there is nothing complicated about it.

Take a large container, pour 10 liters of water into it and add one glass of ash.

Mix the resulting liquid thoroughly and use it to water the cucumbers at the root. For each 1 m2 there should be about 4 liters of the prepared liquid.

Ash as a means of pest control

Ash is not only a wonderful fertilizer, but also a good remedy against uninvited ‘guests’ of the garden bed.

It is enough to occasionally dust cucumber bushes with unburned wood residues – and the garden crop will most likely be protected from aphids, mites and gastropods.

However, it is worth emphasizing that tobacco dust is more effective in this regard than ash.

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