Experienced gardeners and vegetable growers say that ash, a favorite fertilizer of many of their colleagues, affects plants differently..
There are several reasons, but one of the main ones is the time of application of fertilizer. This can have a significant impact on the future harvest..
If we talk about spring, there are opposing points of view.
For example, some argue that if you do not overdo it with the amount of fertilizer, it can be very useful for plants.
Others say that ash has a powerful alkaline effect with a quick reaction in the soil, so it is not recommended to add it in the spring.
They also warn gardeners: when planting vegetables and flowers, do not sprinkle ash on their tubers, as well as the roots of shrubs and trees.
Otherwise, the roots and tubers will get burned.
Even in the hole, it is better to add ash in small quantities, and send the seedling there only after you mix the contents of this hole.
So, it turns out that ash can’t be used in spring?
Yes, but you need to carefully extract the potassium, calcium and phosphorus needed by plants from it, and neutralize the alkaline component.
As for autumn, when applying ash, you should not mix it with other fertilizers, otherwise an undesirable reaction may follow.
Since ash primarily reacts with nitrogen, it is not recommended to apply it with fertilizers in which it is abundant, as well as mineral nitrogen fertilizers.
Experienced gardeners and vegetable growers say that ash, a favorite fertilizer of many of their colleagues, affects plants differently..
There are several reasons, but one of the main ones is the time of application of fertilizer. This can have a significant impact on the future harvest..
If we talk about spring, there are opposing points of view.
For example, some argue that if you do not overdo it with the amount of fertilizer, it can be very useful for plants.
Others say that ash has a powerful alkaline effect with a quick reaction in the soil, so it is not recommended to add it in the spring.
They also warn gardeners: when planting vegetables and flowers, do not sprinkle ash on their tubers, as well as the roots of shrubs and trees.
Otherwise, the roots and tubers will get burned.
Even in the hole, it is better to add ash in small quantities, and send the seedling there only after you mix the contents of this hole.
So, it turns out that ash can’t be used in spring?
Yes, but you need to carefully extract the potassium, calcium and phosphorus needed by plants from it, and neutralize the alkaline component.
As for autumn, when applying ash, you should not mix it with other fertilizers, otherwise an undesirable reaction may follow.
Since ash primarily reacts with nitrogen, it is not recommended to apply it with fertilizers in which it is abundant, as well as mineral nitrogen fertilizers.
Experienced gardeners and vegetable growers say that ash, a favorite fertilizer of many of their colleagues, affects plants differently..
There are several reasons, but one of the main ones is the time of application of fertilizer. This can have a significant impact on the future harvest..
If we talk about spring, there are opposing points of view.
For example, some argue that if you do not overdo it with the amount of fertilizer, it can be very useful for plants.
Others say that ash has a powerful alkaline effect with a quick reaction in the soil, so it is not recommended to add it in the spring.
They also warn gardeners: when planting vegetables and flowers, do not sprinkle ash on their tubers, as well as the roots of shrubs and trees.
Otherwise, the roots and tubers will get burned.
Even in the hole, it is better to add ash in small quantities, and send the seedling there only after you mix the contents of this hole.
So it turns out that ash can’t be used in spring?
Yes, but you need to carefully extract the potassium, calcium and phosphorus needed by plants from it, and neutralize the alkaline component.
As for autumn, when adding ash, you shouldn’t mix it with other fertilizers, otherwise an undesirable reaction may follow.
Experienced gardeners and vegetable growers say that ash, a favorite fertilizer of many of their colleagues, affects plants differently..
There are several reasons, but one of the main ones is the time of application of fertilizer. This can have a significant impact on the future harvest..
If we talk about spring, there are opposing points of view.
For example, some argue that if you do not overdo it with the amount of fertilizer, it can be very useful for plants.
Others say that ash has a powerful alkaline effect with a quick reaction in the soil, so it is not recommended to apply it in the spring.
They also warn gardeners: when planting vegetables and flowers, do not sprinkle ash on their tubers, as well as the roots of shrubs and trees.
Otherwise, the roots and tubers will get burned.
Even in the hole, it is better to add ash in small quantities, and send the seedling there only after you mix the contents of this hole.
It turns out that you can»t use ash in the spring?
It is possible, but if you carefully extract from it the potassium, calcium and phosphorus necessary for plants, and neutralize the alkaline component.
As for autumn, when adding ash you should not mix it with other fertilizers, otherwise an undesirable reaction may follow.
Since ash primarily reacts with nitrogen, it is not recommended to apply it with fertilizers in which it is abundant, as well as mineral nitrogen fertilizers.