HomePlanterCold cheesecake with blueberries

Cold cheesecake with blueberries

Ewa Niepytalska.

Ingredients for cold cheesecake with blueberries

  • 200 g cocoa biscuits.
  • 120 g butter.
  • 1 crystal jelly.
  • 1 blueberry jelly.
  • 2 forest fruit jellies.
  • 400 ml 30% cream.
  • 250 g mascarpone.
  • 4 tablespoons powdered sugar.
  • 300 g blueberries.
  • 300 g vanilla homogenized cheese.
  • How to make cold blueberry cheesecake?

    Step 1:.

    Break the cocoa biscuits into smaller pieces and put them in a zip-lock food bag. Crush them with a rolling pin or mallet into meat. We can also put them in a food processor and grind them into crumbs. Both regular, butter biscuits and other chocolate cookies (like Oreos) will work. You can also make a cold cheesecake with blueberries and jelly more easily and a bit faster – on a round sponge cake base.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 2:.

    Heat the butter in a saucepan or put it in a bowl and melt it in the microwave. Cool slightly. We can also use a soft cube, taken out of the fridge well in advance. Some people say that pouring liquid butter into cookies makes the bottom less crumbly. Add it to the crushed biscuits. Mix until ingredients are combined. The mass will be moist but still loose , like wet sand.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 3:.

    We line the cake tin with parchment paper or cling film. Place the cocoa cookie mixture on the bottom. We knead it and level it with the convex part of a spoon , and then press it with something flat, for example a glass with a straight bottom or a mortar pestle (owners of a piston espresso machine can use a coffee stamp). Place the mold with the bottom in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. We will pour the next layers of cold cheesecake with mascarpone and blueberries only after the cookie mass has set.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 4:.

    Mix crystal jelly (preferably forest fruit flavored, but strawberry-vanilla or lemon will also work) in 250 ml of hot water. Mix thoroughly until all the powder dissolves. Set aside to cool. In the same amount of boiling water mix blue jelly (blueberry or blueberry-blackberry). Dissolve dark red or purple jelly (forest fruit flavored or blueberry) in 800 ml of hot water. Wash and dry the blueberries. Blend 200 g into a smooth puree.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 5:.

    Whip 200 ml of 30% cream (or 36%, remember that it should be well chilled) with mascarpone cheese and 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar sifted through a sieve. When the cream begins to thicken, add the cooled (slightly thickening) crystal jelly. Mix until smooth. Pour it onto the cooled biscuit base.Put it in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 6:.

    Whip the remaining cream (another 200 ml) with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. When the mass increases in volume and becomes fluffy, add vanilla or cream cheese. Mix briefly until the ingredients are combined. Pour in the well-cooled blue jelly and blueberry purée (you can leave pieces of fruit in it, but if you want the cheesecake layer to be completely smooth, you can rub them through a sieve). Mix. A uniform, purple mass will be created. Pour it onto the stiffened cream layer with mascarpone. Put the cake tin back in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 7:.

    When the blueberry cheese mass has set (it will take about an hour) , place the remaining blueberries on top (about 100 g). If we want a lot of forest fruit, we can use more of them and arrange them in layers on top of the cheesecake. They should be tightly next to each other, otherwise they will start to rise when we pour the jelly.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 8:.

    When the forest fruit jelly has cooled down completely, put it in the fridge for a while to start thickening. In the summer it may take a bit longer, so it’s worth learning what to do to make the jelly set faster. Pour it on top of the cheesecake with blueberries. Pour it onto the cooled biscuit base.Put it in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 6:.

    Whip the remaining cream (another 200 ml) with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. When the mass increases in volume and becomes fluffy, add vanilla or cream cheese. Mix briefly until the ingredients are combined. Pour in the well-cooled blue jelly and blueberry purée (you can leave pieces of fruit in it, but if you want the cheesecake layer to be completely smooth, you can rub them through a sieve). Mix. A uniform, purple mass will be created. Pour it onto the stiffened cream layer with mascarpone. Put the cake tin back in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 7:.

    When the blueberry cheese mass has set (it will take about an hour) , place the remaining blueberries on top (about 100 g). If we want a lot of forest fruit, we can use more of them and arrange them in layers on top of the cheesecake. They should be tightly next to each other, otherwise they will start to rise when we pour the jelly.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 8:.

    When the forest fruit jelly has cooled down completely, put it in the fridge for a while to start thickening. In the summer it may take a bit longer, so it’s worth learning what to do to make the jelly set faster. Pour it on top of the cheesecake with blueberries. Pour it onto the cooled biscuit base.Put it in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 6:.

    Whip the remaining cream (another 200 ml) with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. When the mass increases in volume and becomes fluffy, add vanilla or cream cheese. Mix briefly until the ingredients are combined. Pour in the well-cooled blue jelly and blueberry purée (you can leave pieces of fruit in it, but if you want the cheesecake layer to be completely smooth, you can rub them through a sieve). Mix. A uniform, purple mass will be created. Pour it onto the stiffened cream layer with mascarpone. Put the cake tin back in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 7:.

    When the blueberry cheese mass has set (it will take about an hour) , place the remaining blueberries on top (about 100 g). If we want a lot of forest fruit, we can use more of them and arrange them in layers on top of the cheesecake. They should be tightly next to each other, otherwise they will start to rise when we pour the jelly.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 8:.

    When the forest fruit jelly has cooled down completely, put it in the fridge for a while to start thickening. In the summer it may take a bit longer, so it’s worth learning what to do to make the jelly set faster. Pour it on top of the cheesecake with blueberries. Pour it onto the cooled biscuit base.Put it in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 6:.

    Whip the remaining cream (another 200 ml) with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. When the mass increases in volume and becomes fluffy, add vanilla or cream cheese. Mix briefly until the ingredients are combined. Pour in the well-cooled blue jelly and blueberry purée (you can leave pieces of fruit in it, but if you want the cheesecake layer to be completely smooth, you can rub them through a sieve). Mix. A uniform, purple mass will be created. Pour it onto the stiffened cream layer with mascarpone. Put the cake tin back in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 7:.

    When the blueberry cheese mass has set (it will take about an hour) , place the remaining blueberries on top (about 100 g). If we want a lot of forest fruit, we can use more of them and arrange them in layers on top of the cheesecake. They should be tightly next to each other, otherwise they will start to rise when we pour the jelly.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 8:.

    When the forest fruit jelly has cooled down completely, put it in the fridge for a while to start thickening. In the summer it may take a bit longer, so it’s worth learning what to do to make the jelly set faster. Pour it onto the cooled biscuit base.Put it in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 6:.

    Whip the remaining cream (another 200 ml) with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. When the mass increases in volume and becomes fluffy, add vanilla or cream cheese. Mix briefly until the ingredients are combined. Pour in the well-cooled blue jelly and blueberry purée (you can leave pieces of fruit in it, but if you want the cheesecake layer to be completely smooth, you can rub them through a sieve). Mix. A uniform, purple mass will be created. Pour it onto the stiffened cream layer with mascarpone. Put the cake tin back in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 7:.

    When the blueberry cheese mass has set (it will take about an hour) , place the remaining blueberries on top (about 100 g). If we want a lot of forest fruit, we can use more of them and arrange them in layers on top of the cheesecake. They should be tightly next to each other, otherwise they will start to rise when we pour the jelly.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 8:.

    Pour it onto the cooled biscuit base.Put it in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 6:.

    Whip the remaining cream (another 200 ml) with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. When the mass increases in volume and becomes fluffy, add vanilla or cream cheese. Mix briefly until the ingredients are combined. Pour in the well-cooled blue jelly and blueberry purée (you can leave pieces of fruit in it, but if you want the cheesecake layer to be completely smooth, you can rub them through a sieve). Mix. A uniform, purple mass will be created. Pour it onto the stiffened cream layer with mascarpone. Put the cake tin back in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 7:.

    When the blueberry cheese mass has set (it will take about an hour) , place the remaining blueberries on top (about 100 g). If we want a lot of forest fruit, we can use more of them and arrange them in layers on top of the cheesecake. They should be tightly next to each other, otherwise they will start to rise when we pour the jelly.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 8:. Pour it onto the cooled biscuit base.Put it in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 6:.

    Whip the remaining cream (another 200 ml) with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. When the mass increases in volume and becomes fluffy, add vanilla or cream cheese. Mix briefly until the ingredients are combined. Pour in the well-cooled blue jelly and blueberry purée (you can leave pieces of fruit in it, but if you want the cheesecake layer to be completely smooth, you can rub them through a sieve). Mix. A uniform, purple mass will be created. Pour it onto the stiffened cream layer with mascarpone. Put the cake tin back in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 7:.

    When the blueberry cheese mass has set (it will take about an hour) , place the remaining blueberries on top (about 100 g). Pour it onto the cooled biscuit base.Put it in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 6:.

    Whip the remaining cream (another 200 ml) with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. When the mass increases in volume and becomes fluffy, add vanilla or cream cheese. Mix briefly until the ingredients are combined.Pour in the well-cooled blue jelly and blueberry purée (there may be some fruit fragments in it, but if you want the cheesecake layer to be completely smooth, you can rub them through a sieve).Mix.A uniform, purple mass will be created. Pour it onto the cooled biscuit base.Put it in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 6:.

    Whip the remaining cream (another 200 ml) with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar. When the mass increases in volume and becomes fluffy, add vanilla or cream cheese. Mix briefly until the ingredients are combined.Pour in the well-cooled blue Pour it onto the cooled biscuit base.Put it in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 6:.

    Whip the remaining cream (another 200 ml) with 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.When the mass increases in volume and becomes fluffy, add vanilla or cream cheese. Mix briefly until ingredients are combined.Pour in well-cooled blue jelly and blueberry purée (there may be some fruit fragments left in it, but if you want the cheesecake layer to be completely smooth, you can rub them through a sieve).Mix.A uniform, purple mass will form.Pour it onto the thickened cream layer with mascarpone.Put the cake tin back in the fridge.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 7:.

    When the blueberry cheese mass has set (it will take about an hour) , place the remaining blueberries on top (about 100 g). If you want,to make sure there are plenty of forest fruits, we can use more of them and arrange them in layers on top of the cheesecake. They should be placed closely together, otherwise they will start to rise when we pour the jelly.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 8:.

    When the forest fruit jelly has cooled down completely, put it in the fridge for a while to start thickening. In the summer, it may take a bit longer, so it’s worth learning how to make the jelly set faster. Pour it on top of the cheesecake with blueberries. If the cake tin is not too high,it may be necessary to extend the walls so that the entire dessert fits inside. You can secure the edges with a special, thick edge foil or parchment paper folded several times.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

    Step 9:.

    Place the cold cheesecake with blueberries on biscuits in the fridge. Chill it whole for a few hours, preferably overnight. Remove the ring and edges. Cut out triangles using a sharp knife with a heated blade so that they come out in nice, even pieces. Store the dessert in the fridge. If you are preparing for a party, you can also prepare it inin the form of individual portions of miniature cold cheesecakes, in jars, cups or mugs.

    Ewa Niepytalska.

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