HomePlanterDo you need to water your garden in September: if so, how...

Do you need to water your garden in September: if so, how often and how to do it correctly

The beds in your garden may still be occupied by cultivated plants in September. For some, this is the second harvest of greens or radishes, for others, the main crops that continue to bear fruit..

But whether from fatigue or from inevitability, summer residents do not pay as much attention to watering issues as before..

Let’s find out whether you need to water your garden in September, how often to do it and what rules to follow.

Beds in September

Often in September, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, as well as zucchini and cucumbers, continue to ripen and bear fruit in the beds.

All these plants cannot survive without timely irrigation until the last days of vegetation.

September can also be dry, with high daytime temperatures, as in the current season.

Therefore, refusing to water in September is premature and frivolous.

How to water

First, you need to consider three factors: the condition of the plants, the soil, and the weather.

Second, you need to stick to moderate but regular watering.

In September, it may be enough to walk around with a watering can 1-2 times a week, but the main guideline is the wilting of the plants or the drying out of the soil.

Third, be sure to water young plants whose root system is just forming. In this case, you should not count on precipitation.


It is definitely too early to hide watering cans and watering hoses far away in September. You need to stick to moderate watering.

In this case, it will be possible to collect the remains of the mature harvest and not let the plants dry out before the frost sets in.

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