HomePlanterHarmful tips for dealing with slugs in the garden: some of them...

Harmful tips for dealing with slugs in the garden: some of them are useless, while others are downright dangerous

Because slugs eat almost everything, they pose a serious danger to the garden and vegetable garden.

There are two effective ways to deal with these pests.

You can resort to mechanical collection of parasites, or you can use special preparations – molluscicides. However, in the latter case, you will not be able to eat the fruits from your own plot for some time.

True, there are other methods that gardeners willingly resort to, but not always successfully: some of them are ineffective, while others can even harm the plantings.


It is believed that if you crush eggshells and sprinkle them on the soil around the plants, slugs will not be able to enter the garden. In fact, these actions will not bring any results.

Boiling water

To use boiling water to kill slugs, you still have to collect them first, so this method is not complete.


If you sprinkle the area with salt, as required by this method, the slugs will actually leave it. But only because salt will ruin the soil and the crops growing on it, so using salt is the most harmful advice of all.

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