HomePlanterHow not to water tomatoes in the heat: a common mistake of...

How not to water tomatoes in the heat: a common mistake of summer residents – you can lose the harvest

When the air temperature rises, many summer residents begin to water tomatoes much more often than usual..

For example, not once every 4-5 days, but daily..

At first glance, this step is quite logical.

After all, in the hot period such a problem as rapid evaporation of water from the soil appears. Therefore, the lack of moisture has to be replenished more actively.

However, many gardeners do not take into account several dangers at once.

Why tomatoes should not be watered too often

With daily watering, the garden crop becomes much more vulnerable to fungal diseases.

In addition, due to the abundance of water, the formed fruits can crack and not acquire bright taste qualities.

How to properly water tomatoes in the heat

All of the above problems indicate the need to abandon daily watering of tomatoes.

Even in conditions of high air temperature, it is advisable to water the plant about once every 5 days.

But then a natural question arises: ‘How can we combat the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil?’

The answer is simple: you need to cover the soil with mulching material. The latter will keep the soil sufficiently moist.

A tomato bed can be mulched with sawdust. Straw is also a good option.

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