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How to care for peppers in July: follow these 5 rules – otherwise the harvest will be lost

By mid-summer, small fruits are usually visible on pepper bushes..

But the summer resident cannot relax yet..

Any mistake can lead to a stop in fruit formation.

Vegetables may turn out small and tasteless.

So, what does a garden crop need in July for the harvest to be abundant and of high quality? This question was answered by our magazine»s expert, agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh.

Proper watering

The middle of summer is often very hot.

The owner of a summer cottage is obliged to ensure that the plant does not experience a lack of moisture.

If the air temperature is very high and there is almost no precipitation, then the crop must be watered daily.

Fertilizer application

In July, pepper bushes will «respond» well to fertilizing from unburned wood residues, as well as to potash fertilizers.


In July, the peppers need to be tied up.

If this is not done, the branches will most likely break due to the abundance of fruits.


In mid-summer, the soil in the garden bed where peppers grow should be covered with mulching material.

For the latter, it is better to use humus rather than freshly cut grass.

Protection from diseases

Before the beginning of August, garden crops become especially vulnerable to various ailments.

That is why at the end of July the summer resident should use preventive medications.

Previously, we talked about the secret July feeding for beets.

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