HomeUncategorizedHow to cook couscous properly: treat yourself to a delicious side dish

How to cook couscous properly: treat yourself to a delicious side dish

Couscous is a popular side dish in many countries around the world, although it has appeared on our store shelves relatively recently.

Since the product is little known, not everyone understands how to cook it properly.

As it turns out, this side dish can safely be called the simplest in terms of preparation, notes our magazine’s expert on culinary issues, chef Yulia Arkhipova.

What basic principles should you know?

There is no preliminary preparation at all

Many will be pleasantly surprised by the fact that couscous does not need to be soaked, sorted, or washed. The product is immediately ready for cooking.

Strict proportions

This point is the most important. Excess water will make the side dish watery and liquid. Lack of moisture will lead to the couscous remaining raw.

The proportions are as follows: one part of couscous is taken for one part of water.

Water temperature

In order for couscous to be perfectly cooked, you should use only boiling water for steaming.


Couscous goes well with any spices, unrefined vegetable oil, herbs. You can add components at any stage of preparing the side dish.

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