As a rule, tomatoes are treated throughout the entire development of the vegetable crop..
Only such a responsible approach will guarantee protection from late blight..
If you miss even one spraying, the risks of developing the disease increase. This is especially dangerous during fruiting, because many products can no longer be used at this stage.
However, there is a simple method that will not only overcome late blight, but will also not harm the crop.
What does it consist of?
As it turned out, regular salt can come to the rescue. It will be an excellent way out of this difficult situation. You will need to take two hundred grams of fine salt and dissolve it in ten liters of water.
Then you need to put the product in a spray container and carry out the treatment.
Salt will ruin the tops, but almost ripe tomatoes will remain safe and sound. Therefore, this method cannot be used as a preventive measure or at earlier stages of tomato development.
This is an extreme but effective measure.
As a rule, tomatoes are treated throughout the entire development of the vegetable crop..
Only such a responsible approach will guarantee protection from late blight..
If you miss even one spraying, the risks of developing the disease increase. This is especially dangerous during fruiting, because many products can no longer be used at this stage.
However, there is a simple method that will not only overcome late blight, but will also not harm the crop.
What does it consist of?
As it turned out, regular salt can come to the rescue. It will be an excellent way out of this difficult situation. You will need to take two hundred grams of fine salt and dissolve it in ten liters of water.
Then you need to put the product in a spray container and carry out the treatment.
Salt will ruin the tops, but almost ripe tomatoes will remain safe and sound. Therefore, this method cannot be used as a preventive measure or at earlier stages of tomato development.
This is an extreme but effective measure.
As a rule, tomatoes are treated throughout the entire development of the vegetable crop..
Only such a responsible approach will guarantee protection from late blight..
If you miss even one spraying, the risks of developing the disease increase. This is especially dangerous during fruiting, because many products can no longer be used at this stage.
However, there is a simple method that will not only overcome late blight, but will also not harm the crop.
What does it consist of?
As it turned out, regular salt can come to the rescue. It will be an excellent way out of this difficult situation. You will need to take two hundred grams of fine salt and dissolve it in ten liters of water.
Then you need to put the product in a spray container and carry out the treatment.
Salt will ruin the tops, but almost ripe tomatoes will remain safe and sound. Therefore, this method cannot be used as a preventive measure or at earlier stages of tomato development.
This is an extreme but effective measure.
As a rule, tomatoes are treated throughout the entire development of the vegetable crop..
Only such a responsible approach will guarantee protection from late blight..
If you miss even one spraying, the risks of developing the disease increase. This is especially dangerous during fruiting, because many products can no longer be used at this stage.
However, there is a simple method that will not only overcome late blight, but will also not harm the crop.
What does it consist of?
As it turned out, regular salt can come to the rescue. It will be an excellent way out of this difficult situation. You will need to take two hundred grams of fine salt and dissolve it in ten liters of water.
Then you need to send the product to a spray container and carry out the treatment.
The salt will ruin the tops, but the almost ripe tomatoes will remain safe and sound
As a rule, tomatoes are treated throughout the entire development of the vegetable crop..
Only such a responsible approach will guarantee protection from late blight..
If you miss even one spraying, the risks of developing the disease increase. This is especially dangerous during fruiting, because many products can no longer be used at this stage.
However, there is a simple method that will not only overcome late blight, but will also not harm the crop.
What does it consist of?
As it turns out, regular salt can come to the rescue. It will be an excellent way out of this difficult situation
As a rule, tomatoes are treated throughout the entire development of the vegetable crop..
Only such a responsible approach will guarantee protection from late blight..
If you miss even one spraying, the risks of developing the disease increase. This is especially dangerous during fruiting, because many products can no longer be used at this stage.
However, there is a simple way,which will not only overcome late blight, but will not harm the crop.
What does it consist of?
As it turned out, ordinary salt can come to the rescue. It will be an excellent way out of this difficult situation. You will need to take two hundred grams of fine salt and dissolve it in ten liters of water.
Then you need to send the product to a spray container and carry out the treatment.
The salt will ruin the tops, but the almost ripe tomatoes will remain safe and sound.Therefore, this method cannot be used as a preventive measure or at earlier stages of tomato development.
This is an extreme but effective measure.