HomePlanterHow to feed carrots before harvest: they will grow incredibly sweet

How to feed carrots before harvest: they will grow incredibly sweet

Before harvesting, it is important to ‘treat’ carrots with certain compounds in order to significantly improve their taste..

Thanks to this trick, the vegetable grows very sweet and tasty..

What fertilizers are recommended to pay attention to?

Potassium sulfate

Many summer residents mistakenly add superphosphate, which is not worth doing. The fertilizer simply will not be absorbed, since it will not have enough time for this.

Therefore, it is better to organize watering with potassium sulfate: take one and a half large spoons of fertilizer per bucket of water.


This is an excellent option for those who, for one reason or another, do not want to use industrial fertilizers. Ash is also added in the form of a solution.

To do this, take 200 ml of the product per 10 liters of water and water.

Boric acid

Many people note that this product makes carrots more delicious, juicy and sweet. The consumption of fertilizer is minimal. It is enough to take two grams of the product per bucket of water.

This volume is enough to water three square meters of carrot beds.

Before harvesting, it is important to ‘treat’ carrots with certain compounds in order to significantly improve their taste..

Thanks to this trick, the vegetable grows very sweet and tasty..

What fertilizers are recommended to pay attention to?

Potassium sulfate

Many summer residents mistakenly add superphosphate, which is not worth doing. The fertilizer simply will not be absorbed, since it will not have enough time for this.

Therefore, it is better to organize watering with potassium sulfate: take one and a half large spoons of fertilizer per bucket of water.


This is an excellent option for those who, for one reason or another, do not want to use industrial fertilizers. Ash is also added in the form of a solution.

To do this, take 200 ml of the product per 10 liters of water and water.

Boric acid

Many people note that this product makes carrots more delicious, juicy and sweet. The consumption of fertilizer is minimal. It is enough to take two grams of the product per bucket of water.

This volume is enough to water three square meters of carrot beds.

Before harvesting, it is important to ‘treat’ carrots with certain compounds in order to significantly improve their taste..

Thanks to this trick, the vegetable grows very sweet and tasty..

What fertilizers are recommended to pay attention to?

Potassium sulfate

Many summer residents mistakenly add superphosphate, which is not worth doing. The fertilizer simply will not be absorbed, since it will not have enough time for this.

Therefore, it is better to organize watering with potassium sulfate: take one and a half large spoons of fertilizer per bucket of water.


This is an excellent option for those who, for one reason or another, do not want to use industrial fertilizers. Ash is also added in the form of a solution.

To do this, take 200 ml of the product per 10 liters of water and water.

Boric acid

Many people note that this product makes carrots more delicious, juicy and sweet. The consumption of fertilizer is minimal. It is enough to take two grams of the product per bucket of water.

This volume is enough to water three square meters of carrot beds.

Before harvesting, it is important to ‘treat’ carrots with certain compounds in order to significantly improve their taste..

Thanks to this trick, the vegetable grows very sweet and tasty..

What fertilizers are recommended to pay attention to?

Potassium sulfate

Many summer residents mistakenly add superphosphate, which is not worth doing. The fertilizer simply will not be absorbed, since it will not have enough time for this.

Therefore, it is better to organize watering with potassium sulfate: take one and a half large spoons of fertilizer per bucket of water.


This is an excellent option for those who, for one reason or another, do not want to use industrial fertilizers. Ash is also added in the form of a solution.

To do this, take 200 ml of the product per 10 liters of water and water.

Boric acid

Many people note that this product makes carrots more delicious, juicy and sweet

Before harvesting, it is important to ‘treat’ carrots with certain compounds in order to significantly improve their taste..

Thanks to this trick, the vegetable grows very sweet and tasty..

What fertilizers are recommended to pay attention to?

Potassium sulfate

Many summer residents mistakenly add superphosphate, which is not worth doing. The fertilizer simply will not be absorbed, since it will not have enough time for this.

Therefore, it is better to organize watering with potassium sulfate: take one and a half large spoons of fertilizer per bucket of water.


This is an excellent option for those who, for one reason or another, do not want to use industrial fertilizers

Before harvesting, it is important to ‘treat’ carrots with certain compounds in order to significantly improve their taste..

Thanks to this trick, the vegetable grows very sweet and tasty..

What fertilizers are recommended to pay attention to?

Potassium sulfate

Many summer residents mistakenly add superphosphate, which is not worth doing. The fertilizer simply will not be absorbed, since it will not have enough time for this.

Therefore, it is better to organize watering with potassium sulfate: take one and a half large spoons of fertilizer per bucket of water.


This is an excellent option for those who, for one reason or another, do not want to use industrial fertilizers. Ash is also added in the form of a solution.

To do this, take 200 ml of the product per 10 liters of water and water.

Boric acid

Many people note that this product makes carrots more delicious, juicy and sweet.Fertilizer consumption is minimal. Two grams of the product is enough for a bucket of water.

This volume is enough to water three square meters of carrot beds.

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