HomePlanterHow to feed cucumbers in August so that they bear fruit before...

How to feed cucumbers in August so that they bear fruit before the frost: not all gardeners know

Some cucumbers already start to ‘go away’ in August, making it clear that they are not going to bear fruit anymore..

Others actively continue to bear fruit until the first frost..

The fact is that experienced gardeners know one golden rule: in August, cucumbers must be fed without fail. If this is not done, the vegetable crop simply will not have enough nutrition to continue bearing fruit.

How can you ‘treat’ cucumbers in August?

Nutrient mixture

The proposed combination will be an excellent solution for providing ‘support’ to cucumbers. It is recommended to make a special mixture that will be useful for vegetables.

For this, take one spoon of superphosphate (double) and twice as much urea with potassium sulfate per ten liters of water.

The mixture is used for root feeding.

For leaf treatment

If you see that cucumbers also need to be treated on the leaf, then you should pay attention to urea. To do this, you need to take only a matchbox of fertilizer per bucket of water.

Thanks to these two simple top dressings, cucumbers will bear fruit for a very long time and actively.

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