HomePlanterHow to 'fix' depleted and too heavy soil: here's what you need...

How to ‘fix’ depleted and too heavy soil: here’s what you need to plant at your dacha in the fall

By the end of the dacha season, the soil becomes depleted.

And this can be explained very simply: while crops were growing on the plots, the soil cover experienced a huge load.

The soil was deprived of useful elements and became less fertile.

In addition, the earth could become too dense and heavy.

How can you restore fertility and looseness to the soil? The answer is simple: you need to sow some kind of green manure.

What to do before sowing green manure

Before planting ‘green fertilizer’ in depleted soil, it is advisable to add some organic matter under digging.

The ideal option is compost: 20-30 kilos of this fertilizer should be applied per square meter.

An alternative option is humus. The proportions are the same.

What to plant on the site in the fall

After completing the procedure described in the previous section, you need to sow green manure.

Which one? The answer to this question depends on the plant that is planned to be planted in a particular place in the next summer cottage season.

If the gardener plans to start growing melons or nightshades on the selected plot, then it is worth sowing lupine.

But rapeseed will be the ideal predecessor for root crops.

It is worth emphasizing that both lupine and rapeseed not only help to replenish the deficiency of nutrients, but also loosen the soil well due to the developed root system.

If there are signs of nitrogen deficiency in the soil, then one of the legumes should act as a green manure.

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