HomePlanterHow to get rid of aphids without chemicals: the pest will run...

How to get rid of aphids without chemicals: the pest will run away from the garden after this remedy

Aphids will not cause much harm to gardeners and gardeners if you start fighting them in time..

However, at this time of year, the fight against pests is complicated by the active fruiting of most fruit crops. This means that chemicals are completely excluded..

There is one folk remedy that will help put an end to this conflict – between a person and voracious aphids.

How to act

You will need to chop up several celandine bushes to get 2-3 cups of mass.

The bushes need to be crushed together with the flowers.

The finished mixture is poured with 1 liter of hot water, put on the fire, brought to a boil and cooked for another 5 minutes.

Then let the mixture brew for 24 hours, strain and use for spraying.

If there is no celandine, then dandelions can be used with the same success.

You will need 2 glasses of fresh leaves, which are infused in 10 liters of water for 2 hours.

Aphids will not cause much harm to gardeners and gardeners if you start fighting them in time..

However, at this time of year, the fight against pests is complicated by the active fruiting of most fruit crops. This means that chemicals are completely excluded..

There is one folk remedy that will help put an end to this conflict – between a person and voracious aphids.

How to act

You will need to chop up several celandine bushes to get 2-3 cups of mass.

The bushes need to be crushed together with the flowers.

The finished mixture is poured with 1 liter of hot water, put on the fire, brought to a boil and cooked for another 5 minutes.

Then let the mixture brew for 24 hours, strain and use for spraying.

If there is no celandine, then dandelions can be used with the same success.

You will need 2 glasses of fresh leaves, which are infused in 10 liters of water for 2 hours.

Aphids will not cause much harm to gardeners and gardeners if you start fighting them in time..

However, at this time of year, the fight against pests is complicated by the active fruiting of most fruit crops. This means that chemicals are completely excluded..

There is one folk remedy that will help put an end to this conflict – between a person and voracious aphids.

How to act

You will need to chop up several celandine bushes to get 2-3 cups of mass.

The bushes need to be crushed together with the flowers.

The finished mixture is poured with 1 liter of hot water, put on the fire, brought to a boil and cooked for another 5 minutes.

Then let the mixture brew for 24 hours, strain and use for spraying.

If there is no celandine, then dandelions can be used with the same success.

You will need 2 glasses of fresh leaves, which are infused in 10 liters of water for 2 hours.

Aphids will not cause much harm to gardeners and gardeners if you start fighting them in time..

However, at this time of year, the fight against pests is complicated by the active fruiting of most fruit crops. This means that chemicals are completely excluded..

There is one folk remedy that will help put an end to this conflict – between a person and voracious aphids.

How to act

You will need to chop up several celandine bushes to get 2-3 cups of mass.

The bushes need to be crushed together with the flowers.

The finished mixture is poured with 1 liter of hot water, put on the fire, brought to a boil and cooked for another 5 minutes.

Then let the mixture brew for 24 hours, strain and use for spraying.

If there is no celandine, then dandelions can be used with the same success.

You will need 2 glasses of fresh leaves, which are infused in 10 liters of water for 2 hours.

Aphids will not cause much harm to gardeners and gardeners if you start fighting them in time..

However, at this time of year, the fight against pests is complicated by the active fruiting of most fruit crops. This means that chemicals are completely excluded..

There is one folk remedy that will help put an end to this conflict – between a person and voracious aphids.

How to act

You will need to chop up several celandine bushes to get 2-3 cups of mass.

The bushes need to be crushed together with the flowers.

The finished mixture is poured with 1 liter of hot water, put on the fire, brought to a boil and cooked for another 5 minutes.

Then let the mixture sit for 24 hours, strain and use for spraying.

If you don’t have celandine, you can use dandelions with the same success.

You will need 2 cups of fresh leaves, which are infused in 10 liters of water for 2 hours.

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