There is not much time left until the final harvest, so it is worth refreshing your memories regarding soil preparation for the next season..
Since potatoes are objectively one of the most popular crops, it is worth paying more attention to the issue of improving the quality of the soil in the fall for subsequent planting..
What fertilizers will help with this?
Wood ash
Don’t underestimate the power of ash: this excellent fertilizer will replenish the reserves of a number of nutrients that potatoes will need.
Applying fertilizer is easy.
Walk along the bed and sprinkle the entire surface with ash. Afterwards, all that remains is to dig up the soil.
This excellent fertilizer is usually applied in the fall, since the composition will have enough time to decompose. You will need to cover the compost with straw and lay out a layer of soil.
Afterwards, water it.
By the way, you can add a layer of manure to the compost to make the soil even more fertile and high-quality.