Sometimes after adding greens to soups, we may notice that the aroma of the component is not as intense as we expected..
Also, sometimes the greens can change color to a duller one..
This is not good for the first course, notes our magazine’s cooking expert, chef Yulia Arkhipova.
How to properly add greens to soups so that they remain beautiful and aromatic
First of all, it is important to understand that negative transformations with the component occur exclusively due to heat treatment.
If you don’t cook the greens, the dish can quickly spoil.
For this reason, you shouldn’t add greens directly to the pan. The only exception is dried herbs.
But chop fresh dill, parsley, green onions and other available options and add them directly to the plate.
If this option doesn’t suit you, then wash the greens as thoroughly as possible. Make sure there is no sand on them.
Only after that can you add them to the pan. This should only be done when the first dish is completely ready and you have turned off the heat.