HomeUncategorizedHow to save oversalted soup: a trick that cooks have used for...

How to save oversalted soup: a trick that cooks have used for centuries

Oversalted soup is an unpleasant situation that can happen to any cook..

Instead of shedding tears into the pan, making the dish even saltier, look for ways to help fix the situation..

One of these tricks was shared by the expert of the online publication ‘BelNovosti’ chef Yulia Arkhipova – this trick has been used by cooks for centuries to save oversalted soup and return its ideal taste.

Culinary life hack

To ‘liquidate’ excess salt, you will need the most common potato. Peel the tuber and place it in a saucepan.

After you have boiled the potato for a while, it should be removed from the saucepan.

What to do if the life hack did not work

The problem is that the trick only works if the dish was not oversalted.

If the situation is critical, you will need to dilute the first with water. Gradually add liquid, tasting the dish; if you overdo it with water, you risk getting a bland and tasteless soup. After that, thoroughly mix all the ingredients and boil.

Earlier, we talked about three useless kitchen gadgets.

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