HomePlanterHow to spray potato tops in August so that the size of...

How to spray potato tops in August so that the size of the tubers is 20% larger: an interesting country trick

Approximately the end of August marks the beginning of the active potato harvest period..

Despite this, it is not too late to feed garden crops in the final month of summer..

After all, the tubers will remain in the ground at least until the middle (or even the end) of September.

The most interesting thing is that right now a summer resident can make a huge contribution to the quality of the future harvest.

There is an interesting August procedure that allows you to noticeably increase the size of the tubers.Potatoes may be up to 20% larger.

To get large, smooth and very appetizing vegetables, the gardener needs to spray the tops with something in August.

How to feed potatoes in the last weeks of summer

The plant must be doused with drops of a self-prepared product.

There is nothing complicated in creating this super fertilizer: take a standard bucket, fill it with water and add a little magnesium sulfate (1 tbsp.l.).

After mixing, you will get a liquid, part of which must be poured into a spray bottle.

Next, there is only one action left to perform – spray the potato tops.The positive results of the procedure will become noticeable during the harvest period.

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