HomePlanterHow to understand that a vegetable crop lacks a particular nutrient: all...

How to understand that a vegetable crop lacks a particular nutrient: all the signs

During the first two summer months, vegetable crops actively grew and bore fruit..

Therefore, at the end of the warm season, plants may experience a ‘loss of strength’..

The goal of a gardener is to find out what microelements the representative of the flora lacks.

Having received the necessary information, the gardener must feed the plants with the necessary fertilizers.

If the owner of a suburban area does not do this, then one should not count on getting a rich and high-quality harvest before the end of the current summer cottage season.

Problems may arise next year as well.

But how can you tell which nutrient the plant is lacking? To do this, you need to pay attention to the signs of a deficiency of certain components.

An expert of our magazine, an agronomist and landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh, shared important information for summer residents.

Lack of nitrogen

A clear sign of a deficiency of the nitrogen component is leaf chlorosis.

In other words, the leaf blades lose their bright green color and become yellowish.

Potassium deficiency

A gardener should be alerted by the leaf blades acquiring a blue-violet color.

A potassium deficiency is also indicated by the slow growth of the garden crop.

Phosphorus deficiency

A deficiency of this microelement is indicated by the appearance of a bronze tint on the leaves.

Manganese deficiency

The existence of such a problem is indicated by yellowing of the leaf blades at the edges.

Calcium deficiency

With a deficiency of this microelement, the growth point may be inhibited and die off.

Boron deficiency

The plant clearly lacks this component if the representative of the flora began to lose ovaries.

Magnesium deficiency

The presence of this problem is indicated by the appearance of yellow edges on the leaves, which over time become reddish or purple.

Iron deficiency

The owner of a country plot should be wary if the leaf blades begin to turn yellow between the veins.

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