Some owners of summer cottages, vegetable gardens, orchards, and village plots of land pay attention to the lunar calendar when working with plants..
Well, it never hurts – that’s for sure. In addition, it often contains very useful recommendations..
For example, we can find such for the period from August 12 to 18. Let’s take a look out of curiosity.
August 12
On Monday, the calendar advises planting plants intended for harvesting.
For example, it is recommended to plant cherries, sweet cherries, apple trees, and plums. You can also plant sea buckthorn.
You can also plant and sow cabbage, onions, tomatoes, and melons on August 12.
The calendar also recommends harvesting for storage, removing weeds, watering, and loosening the soil.
August 13
The day is favorable for pruning trees and shrubs, removing undergrowth, and planting climbing plants with tendrils.
It is recommended to spray the garden against parasites and fungi, and collect fruits for storage.
Today you can plant cabbage, radishes, hot peppers, sow parsley, mint, spinach, and harvest root crops.
August 14
We plant climbing plants and shrubs, in particular, grapes, strawberries, and wild strawberries.
We graft trees, fertilize the soil, loosen it, thin out the seedlings, and spray against pests and diseases.
Also, advice to collect seeds, potato harvest, root crops, cereals – for storage.
August 15
The calendar considers this day good for grafting and re-grafting, as well as for applying fertilizers.
It does not mind if you plant nightshade, onion, cabbage, legume crops today.
It recommends loosening the soil, watering the beds and fertilizing the soil.
August 16
It is considered a good day for collecting fruits, planting bushes and trees, the fruits of which are supposed to be sent for storage.
In addition, the calendar has given the go-ahead for planting cabbage, tomatoes, onions, carrots, and pumpkins.
You can apply fertilizers, spray against diseases and pests, and compost organic waste.
But the calendar does not advise harvesting on this day – it says it will not store well.
August 17
‘Green light’ for harvesting, collecting seeds, grafting.
‘Red light’ – for planting fruit trees and bushes, watering and fertilizing procedures.
And it is not recommended to plant in the garden today – otherwise the harvest may disappoint with low quality and small quantity.
August 18
Planting is prohibited. Harvesting, weeding, and pruning of undergrowth are permitted.
In the garden today you can dig up potatoes, weed, hill, and spray.
Prohibited activities include sowing, planting, watering, and fertilizing.