At first glance, there is no simpler dish than fried eggs.
In fact, many cooks constantly encounter problems when preparing this standard breakfast.
Either the dish burns, or there is a lot of uncurled protein left, or the yolk turns out to be too dense.
Thus, preparing the perfect fried egg (hard protein, runny yolk) is not so easy.
However, there is one little trick that allows you to achieve the desired result without any problems.
This useful trick was told by the expert of the online publication ‘Belnovosti’ in the field of cooking, cook, fourth-category baker Yulia Arkhipova.
The secret of the perfect scrambled eggs
The essence is as follows: you do not need to immediately break the egg directly into the frying pan.
First, the product must be divided into two parts.
First, you need to pour the protein into the heated frying pan. As soon as the transparent mass begins to turn white, you should put the yolk on top.
As a result, both components will retain the ideal consistency. The protein will completely coagulate and will not burn.
The yolk will be spreadable. No white ‘film’ will appear on this part of the dish.
Earlier, gourmets were told how to make pizza from potatoes.