What to plant in the garden at the end of the season: meet autumn with a new harvest

The end of the summer cottage season seems to be made for gathering another harvest of fresh herbs and even some vegetables.. These...

How to cut onions without crying: experienced cooks have revealed tricks

It is important to be able to cut onions without tears, since this component is used in almost all main dishes.. However, the...

Hvordan steke frosne koteletter – om du skal tine før matlaging eller ikke: det er bare ett riktig svar

Frosne næringsmidler er en flott løsning for travle mennesker og de som verdsetter tiden sin og ikke vil kaste bort den på matlaging,...

How to ‘fix’ depleted and too heavy soil: here’s what you need to plant at your dacha in the fall

By the end of the dacha season, the soil becomes depleted. And this can be explained very simply: while crops were growing...

Without fried vegetables, potatoes and meat: how to make a diet soup so that it turns out delicious

Soup is an integral part of a healthy human diet, especially in the fall, when the body requires more hot liquid food.. Only...

5 common mistakes that make fried dumplings taste bad

Many gourmets complain: they can"t fry dumplings so that they turn out appetizing.. The dish turns out tasteless, not juicy enough, too soft,...

Which carrots will be stored all winter: experienced gardeners revealed the secrets

Experienced gardeners know that in most cases, the carrot harvest occurs in September.. This means that you need to be responsible when choosing...

How to treat a greenhouse with copper sulfate: late blight will not remain for the next year

Late blight manifests itself in the form of dark spots on leaves, stems and fruits, as well as in the form of rot...

In what form is lard healthy to eat: it turns out that many people have no idea

Lard is a very healthy product, containing large amounts of vitamins A, D and E, as well as calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese,...

What to cook with strawberries? Don’t be surprised, but this is a soup recipe

Now it will be much easier and faster to process the strawberry harvest. Thanks to Spanish cuisine, the summer berries will disappear, as...

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