Hvordan lage hjemmelaget sitronkrydder: 2 oppskrifter

Sitroner er blant de mest smakfulle og ettertraktede fruktene. Det er imidlertid ikke alle som vet hvordan man får mest mulig ut av...

What to sow in the fall instead of mustard: the best solution after potatoes and tomatoes

Skilled gardeners have realized the power and benefits of green manure and therefore actively sow various crops in the vacated areas.. Mustard is...

What to cook with champignons: a simple recipe for an appetizing snack

Champignons are the most popular mushroom in cooking. To cook something tasty with them, you do not need to boil the mushroom or...

How to deal with weeds: experienced gardeners named 3 proven methods

Weeds will always be a pressing problem for any gardener, since it is impossible to eradicate them once and for all.. Therefore, the...

How to bake zucchini deliciously: you can eat it and not think about your figure

Vegetables are the main supplier of nutrients and vitamins. They allow you to eat without harming your health and waist size.. In addition,...

What to cook instead of cold soup: try this Greek soup

We suggest adding another illuminating soup to your collection of culinary recipes, which can be cooked instead of cold soup or okroshka. ...

How to speed up the ripening of peppers in the beds: do it before the cold weather, so as not to lose the harvest

Bell peppers, like eggplants, are a heat-loving crop. Bad weather, diseases or untimely planting of seedlings can do their dirty work.. It happens...

«Alle graver – og jeg graver» er ikke et tegn på potetens modenhet: å avgjøre om poteten er klar for høsting

Mange dacha-dyrkere graver opp poteter på samme tid hvert år eller blir veiledet i denne saken av naboene, og veldig forgjeves.Vi forteller deg...

The best green manure for fighting wireworms and late blight has been named: here’s where to sow it

Green manure is a real find for a summer resident and gardener. They combine fertilizer, a means of fighting pests and weeds, and...

How to fertilize a lawn at the end of summer: the grass will be prepared for the cold weather

The last days of summer are the ideal time to fertilize the lawn. Every summer resident probably wants the grass on his...

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