Ikke alle planter tar opp aske som gjødsel: Gartnerfeil som ødelegger avlingen

Treaske er et svært nyttig gjødselmiddel, men det er ikke egnet for alle avlinger.Vi forteller deg hvilke planter som ikke bør mates med...

How to water cucumbers in August: not all summer residents know

It is worth understanding that in August, the technique of watering many crops changes, since a different period of plant development begins and...

Why the Colorado potato beetle is so tenacious: the secret of the pest’s resistance to insecticides has been revealed

Every summer resident knows that the main enemy of potatoes is the Colorado potato beetle, which devours the tops of this crop with...

Oppskrift på syltede agurker: akkurat slik de ble solgt i butikkene i sovjettiden

Under Sovjetunionen ble det også solgt syltede agurker i butikkene, og de var svært smakfulle.Vi forteller deg hvordan du lager nøyaktig de samme...

Hvilke planter som kan skjerme naboene dine: de beste alternativene for hekker

Hvis du ikke har lyst til å se nysgjerrige og irriterende naboer, kan du bygge et høyt gjerde for å holde dem unna.Men...

How to fertilize the soil after harvesting garlic: fertility recipes for future harvests

Harvesting garlic is an important stage in the gardening season. After the aromatic heads are removed from the ground, the question of restoring...

What to do with cabbage right now so that the heads grow strong and juicy: the main tricks

Now you can influence the quality of the cabbage harvest: summer residents have enough time for this.. However, it is always worth knowing...

What are ants afraid of in garden beds: the hidden fears of little garden workers

Ants, these tiny inhabitants of our gardens, seem fearless and tireless.However, even these little workers have their fears and weaknesses.. Gardeners for centuries...

Når treaske blir ond i grønnsakshagen: gjør aldri disse feilene

Treaske som gjødsel bør brukes med forsiktighet, det kan skade grønnsakshagen.Vi forteller om de viktigste feilene til dachniks når du bruker aske.Hvordan ikke...

How to understand that it is time to harvest carrots: experienced gardeners shared their secrets

When working with any crop, it is important not to miss the harvest dates.. If you forget about carrots, they can simply crack,...

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