In August, beet leaves began to turn yellow: should we take action?

At the end of summer, many gardeners notice the yellowing of beet leaf blades.. Some gardeners begin to panic in this situation..They believe...

Hvorfor erfarne hytteprodusenter liker å bruke ravsyre: de viktigste mulighetene for et budsjettvennlig middel

Mange har sikkert hørt om hvor aktivt ravsyre brukes. Noen har til og med klart å prøve ut dette budsjettvennlige middelet.Imidlertid vet ikke...

How to feed peppers at the end of summer: you will be harvesting the fruits until the beginning of October

In the last days of August, many summer residents want to extend the fruiting of peppers. After all, you want to harvest...

How to understand that it is time to harvest pumpkin: not all summer residents know

Many people look forward to harvesting pumpkin to enjoy a tasty and healthy product.. Therefore, it is worth knowing what signs indicate the...

Incredibly delicious and tender: how to cook cloud-shaped scrambled eggs – the secret to the perfect breakfast

You no longer want to cook standard scrambled eggs in the morning? Nothing surprising: most likely, this dish has appeared on your...

How to get rid of the ‘invincible’ hogweed with the help of the simplest kitchen remedy: there is a weak spot

Getting rid of hogweed is not as difficult as it seems at first glance..This can be done with the help of a remedy...

Månekalender for grønnsaksgartneren og hagebrukeren fra 8. til 14. juli: hva må gjøres

Bortsett fra nymåne og fullmåne, er det dager da det er bedre å ikke ha noe å gjøre med å plante i grønnsakshagen....

Is it true that potato tops can spoil compost: what to give with potato leaves and stems

Not all gardeners dare to compost potato tops - there is an opinion that this method of disposal of plant residues is unsafe.....

Why experienced gardeners sprinkle cucumbers and tomatoes with oatmeal: you will be surprised

Many people may be surprised by the recommendation to sprinkle cucumbers and tomatoes with oatmeal: it looks incredibly strange.. You may get the...

What to plant after harvesting winter garlic: the best and worst options

Soon the winter garlic beds will be free, and the inquisitive mind of the summer resident will ask a familiar question to everyone:...

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