«Er du sikker på at du kan steke et ordentlig eggerøre?’: Kokken avslører fire regler – mange kan ikke trikset

Lage eggerøre - hva kan vel være enklere? Mange amatørkokker er helt sikre på at de ikke har noen problemer med å...

How to cook peas in 15 minutes: a secret additive – you can definitely find it in your kitchen cupboard

The cooking time for dry split peas is more than an hour, and for whole peas - more than two hours.. Of course,...

Cook quickly and deliciously: a clever recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in Polish

The cucumber season is already in full swing, you can treat yourself to lightly salted cucumbers..A recipe for delicious lightly salted cucumbers in...

What 3 mistakes in the fall can deprive you of your harvest next year: not all summer residents know

Any summer resident has a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden in the fall.. However, it is worth understanding that...

What is the difference between vetch, barley and oats: not all gardeners know

Do not forget that despite all the potential benefits of green manure, each plant has its own specifics.. Therefore, before choosing, you need...

Hvordan gjenopplive en oversvømmet plante: en sikker måte å redde en blomst fra døden

For noen planter er overvanning den sikre død. Dette gjelder for eksempel araucaria, som uunngåelig dør av overvanning, eller gardenia, som er mange...

How to understand that you can harvest watermelons and melons from the garden: the most accurate signs

Not every summer resident, and not every season, manages to grow a rich harvest of watermelons and melons in the garden.. In addition,...

Hvorfor bokhvete ikke spises i Europa: de gir det til storfefôr – 5 grunner som vil overraske mange

I vårt land er bokhvete et av de mest populære produktene, men i Europa forbrukes det praktisk talt ikke.Vi forteller deg hvorfor det...

It’s time to harvest beets: how not to overexpose the root crop in the garden

The most unpleasant thing for a root crop harvest is to overexpose the crop in the garden, as well as to start harvesting...

The most harmful potato dish: why you should give it up

Potatoes are rich in potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C and B vitamins. Potatoes also contain fiber, which is important for digestion.However, the benefits...

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