Er det sant at frøplanter i containere kan plantes når du vil: 90% av gartnere vet ikke riktig svar

Hvis du har drevet med hagearbeid en stund, vet du sikkert at det tidligere bare ble solgt frøplanter med åpent rotsystem. I planteskoler,...

Very tasty ‘circles’: how to cook crispy eggplants – an interesting recipe

Cooking crispy eggplants is very easy. First, the vegetable must be cut into circles. And then each resulting piece must be dipped...

Gardeners, come to your senses: never plant these shrubs and trees near your home

Planning to plant a juniper near your home? Then this article is for you..This plant should never be planted near your home.We'll tell...

How to properly harvest beets: gardeners reveal secrets

It is known that many factors affect the shelf life of crops.. Correct harvesting is also one of them..What rules should you follow...

Hvordan gjødsle tomater under blomstring: det enkleste gjødslingsskjemaet, og resultatet er overveldende

I det øyeblikket tomatene blomstrer med den første børsten, må gartneren bremse veksten litt og sette dem i fruktmodus. Husk: målet ditt er...

How to get rid of late blight in the soil: secret methods of professional gardeners

Lytophthora is a real nightmare for any gardener. This fungal pathogen can destroy the entire crop in a matter of days..Our magazine expert...

What to add to pea soup for aroma and taste: 2 curious ingredients

Probably, every housewife would be pleased if there was a line of people wanting more for her cooking..How to do exactly this -...

How to save soup that is too thin: chefs have revealed their secrets

First courses, of course, should be thin, but not 'empty'. No one will like such food, since it is more like a...

Skal potetfrø på busker klippes av: Mange har sett disse tomatplantene, men vet ikke hva de skal gjøre

Etter blomstring dannes det grønne bær som ser ut som små tomater på potetbuskene.Disse inneholder potetfrø.Noen mennesker klipper av disse 'tomatene', andre ikke.Vi...

Why gourmets prefer to drink coffee with coconut milk: you will be surprised

Many people believe that people who choose alternative milk options in coffee shops simply want to stand out from the crowd.. This is...

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