What plants repel snails: plant them on your plot, and you won’t have to fight pests

Snails are familiar to summer residents as gluttons that eat leaves and fruits of plants.. As the expert of the online publication "BelNovosti",...

Å kutte eller ikke kutte jordbærblader etter frukting: 3 gode grunner ‘mot’

Like mange mennesker som det finnes meninger, også om å klippe jordbærblader etter frukting.I dag skal vi avsløre hemmelighetene for deg hvorfor erfarne...

What plants do not like the neighborhood with dill: advice for experienced gardeners

Dill, loved by many gardeners for its aroma and taste, is not always a good neighbor in the garden.. Some plants can suffer...

What to fry first – onions or carrots: rules for making vegetable frying

If you have to make frying for the first time, you involuntarily wonder which vegetables to put in the pan first.. A regular...

What to water cabbage with to form heads: not every gardener knows the secret

In order for cabbage to form strong and large heads, it must be fed with certain fertilizers..We tell you what to feed cabbage...

Nowhere to put zucchini? Use them to make a gorgeous French omelette

Have you collected a huge harvest of zucchini and don"t know what to cook with them? There are several very interesting recipes....

Is it possible to prepare delicious stewed cabbage without tomato paste and sour cream: we’ll tell you how

The beauty of cabbage dishes is that they can be prepared all year round.. Expert of the BelNovosti network publication, cook Yulia Arkhipova,...

What to feed with succinic acid in the garden: an important point in care

Succinic acid is more often used by flower growers in the care of indoor plants, but this does not mean that the additive...

How to feed strawberries in the fall: the most important and nothing extra

Fall feeding of strawberries is considered the most important in a series of gardening chores. The yield of the crop and how prepared...

Hvilke planter kan vannes med sur melk: gartnere avslører uventede fôringshemmeligheter

Bruk av surmelk i hagearbeid er en spennende måte å gi planter næring på som kan overraske selv erfarne gartnere. Denne uvanlige metoden...

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