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‘Polish cucumbers in 5 minutes’: in Poland they call them ‘Jewish cucumber snack’

The Poles have a dish called ‘Jewish cucumber snack’. Some of our home cooks are familiar with it.

They are used to calling the dish ‘Polish cucumbers in 5 minutes’. They say it’s very, very tasty.

And they shared the recipe, claiming that it is simple and quick.

How to cook? Cucumbers are cut into circles (each about a centimeter thick), basil and dill are finely chopped.

Add vegetable oil and sugar to the water.

Also add salt, ground black pepper, chili pepper, mustard seeds, vinegar, garlic passed through a press.

Then cucumbers, dill and basil are poured with marinade, covered with a lid. In a couple of hours the dish is ready. Although the next day it will be even tastier.

As for the components and their quantities, we will need cucumbers (about half a kilo), vegetable oil (30 ml), water (40 ml), sugar (two teaspoons), salt (teaspoon).

You will also need ground black pepper (half a teaspoon), basil with dill, 3 cloves of garlic, a teaspoon of mustard seeds, a pinch of ground chili pepper and a tablespoon of vinegar (9%).

Earlier we told you how to cook lazy vareniki.

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