HomePlanterThe best green manure for fighting wireworms and late blight has been...

The best green manure for fighting wireworms and late blight has been named: here’s where to sow it

Green manure is a real find for a summer resident and gardener. They combine fertilizer, a means of fighting pests and weeds, and also replace preparations for soil improvement..

Let’s find out which green manure is recommended to be sown in the fall, and after which crop its effectiveness will be especially noticeable..

Our magazine’s expert Anastasia Kovrizhnykh, a scientist agronomist and landscape designer, spoke about the benefits of phacelia.

Why phacelia

Mustard is considered no less popular, affordable and effective crop, but phacelia is much better.

After harvesting, it is recommended to sow it in the former potato bed and where nightshade plants grew.

Phacelia can replace popular fertilizers.

It will improve the condition of the soil, saturate it with nitrogen, humus and minerals, suppress the growth of weeds, protect against wireworms, nematodes and aphids.

Along with this, phacelia will prevent the spread of late blight and other fungal diseases.

When to sow

The best time for sowing is September. After sowing, the seeds are raked into the soil.

It can be sown after any crops, the plant does not require care and easily tolerates low temperatures.

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