Sometimes the weather presents the most unpleasant surprises, from which summer residents suffer especially much, or rather, their harvest..
If heavy, almost tropical rains flood the garden, expert of the online publication ‘BelNovosti’, scientist-agronomist, landscape designer Anastasia Kovrizhnykh advises not to leave vegetables to rot in the beds..
To save the crops, you should remove the rotten ovaries and lift the fruits from the wet ground – this is the only possible solution in such a situation.
You can use almost everything that is at hand for this purpose.
Boards, plastic, plywood, non-woven covering material – all this can be placed under the harvest.
Fruits on branches, for example, strawberries, can be raised on metal pins.
They, like special plastic supports, can be found in stores with goods for gardeners and vegetable growers.
Please note: if you go shopping in season, you will not always be able to find the necessary devices, and the purchases will cost you a pretty penny. Therefore, stock up on everything you need in the fall or winter to prepare for the new season in time, and in the meantime, use everything you can find on the farm.