HomePlanterThe key ingredient for successful orchid growing is lemon. Learn how to...

The key ingredient for successful orchid growing is lemon. Learn how to use it correctly

Orchid health depends on the health of the roots and leaves. If you want to have a beautiful flowering plant on your windowsill, take care of the leaves so that they are strong, bright green and shiny..

You can determine how healthy an orchid is by looking at its roots and leaves. Their appearance will always tell you how the flower is doing..

Our magazine’s expert Anastasia Kovrizhnykh – a scientist agronomist, landscape designer, reminded flower growers of the most important thing.

Although orchids are considered difficult to care for, caring for them is not as scary as it may seem.

As with other flowers, you need to know the plant well, read about it, and also take on board a few tricks that will help keep it in good condition and beautiful in appearance.

Check the roots and leaves regularly

Rotten, moldy and dry roots should be removed as soon as possible. This is because they can cause the plant to become diseased and deprive it of the energy needed for growth and flowering.

As for the appearance of the leaves, they should be firm, distinctly green, without damage or dark spots.

However, if they are hanging down, wilting and losing color, you know that something is wrong. Your flower will not bloom. Leaves are very important for the viability of the plant.That’s why it’s useful to know how to properly care for them to keep them shiny and fresh.

Also, learn what techniques will help to revive the plant and prevent possible diseases.

Lemon is a great helper

To treat and revive orchid leaves, you will need one regular lemon.

Why lemon? Because it has antioxidant and disinfectant properties. It protects the plant from various diseases and repels harmful insects.

In addition, lemon is an excellent source of potassium and vitamin C, which is necessary for leaf growth. Vitamin C is especially necessary for the growth of new leaves. Just a few drops of lemon juice are enough. No more, no less.

Fertilizing orchids with lemon juice

To fertilize orchids, mix one glass of clean water with lemon juice. The amount should be about 200 ml of water and 10 drops of lemon juice.

Apply the resulting solution to a cotton swab and moisten the leaves. This will not only fertilize the plant, but also protect it from diseases and harmful insects.

Remember that it is also necessary to treat the leaves at the base, as there may be remains of insects or some diseases.

Once a week, treat the leaves with a solution of water and lemon juice.

You can soon expect new flowers from healthy and well-fertilized plants, as water and lemon will give flowers more life, strength and health, as well as the human body.

That’s why it’s useful to know how to properly care for them to keep them shiny and fresh.

Also, learn what techniques will help to revive the plant and prevent possible diseases.

Lemon is a great helper

To treat and revive orchid leaves, you will need one regular lemon.

Why lemon? Because it has antioxidant and disinfectant properties. It protects the plant from various diseases and repels harmful insects.

In addition, lemon is an excellent source of potassium and vitamin C, which is necessary for leaf growth. Vitamin C is especially necessary for the growth of new leaves. Just a few drops of lemon juice are enough. No more, no less.

Fertilizing orchids with lemon juice

To fertilize orchids, mix one glass of clean water with lemon juice. The amount should be about 200 ml of water and 10 drops of lemon juice.

Apply the resulting solution to a cotton swab and moisten the leaves. This will not only fertilize the plant, but also protect it from diseases and harmful insects.

Remember that it is also necessary to treat the leaves at the base, as there may be remains of insects or some diseases.

Once a week, treat the leaves with a solution of water and lemon juice.

You can soon expect new flowers from healthy and well-fertilized plants, as water and lemon will give flowers more life, strength and health, as well as the human body.

That’s why it’s useful to know how to properly care for them to keep them shiny and fresh.

Also, learn what techniques will help to revive the plant and prevent possible diseases.

Lemon is a great helper

To treat and revive orchid leaves, you will need one regular lemon.

Why lemon? Because it has antioxidant and disinfectant properties. It protects the plant from various diseases and repels harmful insects.

In addition, lemon is an excellent source of potassium and vitamin C, which is necessary for leaf growth. Vitamin C is especially necessary for the growth of new leaves. Just a few drops of lemon juice are enough. No more, no less.

Fertilizing orchids with lemon juice

To fertilize orchids, mix one glass of clean water with lemon juice. The amount should be about 200 ml of water and 10 drops of lemon juice.

Apply the resulting solution to a cotton swab and moisten the leaves. This will not only fertilize the plant, but also protect it from diseases and harmful insects.

Remember that it is also necessary to treat the leaves at the base, as there may be remains of insects or some diseases.

Once a week, treat the leaves with a solution of water and lemon juice.

You can soon expect new flowers from healthy and well-fertilized plants, as water and lemon will give the flowers more life, strength and health, as well as the human body.That’s why it’s useful to know how to properly care for them to keep them shiny and fresh.

Also, learn what techniques will help to revive the plant and prevent possible diseases.

Lemon is a great helper

To treat and revive orchid leaves, you will need one regular lemon.

Why lemon? Because it has antioxidant and disinfectant properties. It protects the plant from various diseases and repels harmful insects.

In addition, lemon is an excellent source of potassium and vitamin C, which is necessary for leaf growth. Vitamin C is especially necessary for the growth of new leaves. Just a few drops of lemon juice are enough. No more, no less.

Fertilizing orchids with lemon juice

To fertilize orchids, mix one glass of clean water with lemon juice. The amount should be about 200 ml of water and 10 drops of lemon juice.

Apply the resulting solution to a cotton swab and moisten the leaves.That’s why it’s useful to know how to properly care for them to keep them shiny and fresh.

Also, learn what techniques will help to revive the plant and prevent possible diseases.

Lemon is a great helper

To treat and revive orchid leaves, you will need one regular lemon.

Why lemon? Because it has antioxidant and disinfectant properties. It protects the plant from various diseases and repels harmful insects.

In addition, lemon is an excellent source of potassium and vitamin C, which is necessary for leaf growth. Vitamin C is especially necessary for the growth of new leaves.Just a few drops of lemon juice are enough. No more, no less.

Fertilizing orchids with lemon juice

To fertilize orchids, mix one glass of clean water with lemon juice. The amount should be about 200 ml of water and 10 drops of lemon juice.

Apply the resulting solution to a cotton swab and moisten the leaves. This will not only fertilize the plant, but also protect it from diseases and harmful insects.

Remember that it is also necessary to treat the leaves at the base, as there may be remains of insects or some diseases.

Once a week, treat the leaves with a solution of water and lemon juice.

You can expect new flowers soon from healthy and well-fertilized plants,since water and lemon will give flowers more life, strength and health, as well as the human body.

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